Дашкина Татьяна Геннадьевна
Карагандинский государственный медицинский университет
преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, магистр гуманитарных наук

В данной статье описывается ситуация с развитием инновационных образовательных технологий в Республике Казахстан, перспективы и проблемы в сфере электронного документооборота, онлайн-образование и его влияние на развитие современной образовательной системы.


Dashkina Tatyana Gennadyevna
Karaganda State Medical University
teacher of the foreign languages department, master in humanities

Annotation: the given article illustrates the situation with innovative educational technologies in Kazakhstan, prospect and problems in electronic document circulation, online education and its influence upon modern educational system.

Keywords: accuracy, background, e-learning, gratitude, innovation, paradigm, self-education, site, transparence, up-to-date


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Дашкина Т.Г. The “E-learning” as a part of innovations in education of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2016. № 6 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2016/06/68955 (дата обращения: 12.12.2024).

The topic of discussion is innovations in the sphere of modern education. What is innovation? This is something new; up-to-date that is due to the demands of modern society but satisfies the demands of already adopted rules and traditions.

In this case we want to consider the prospects and problems in electronic document circulation in the sphere of education in Kazakhstan and more thoroughly the “E-learning”.

Electronic document circulation has appeared in our country not so long ago, but has already got its place in the sphere of education. It has got its advantages and disadvantages.

At first we are going to talk about the good aspects of electronic document circulation on behalf of a teacher. Teaching as a profession has its peculiarities. During the process of work every teacher should acquire knew knowledge every day. It means that he or she doesn’t repeat the same over and over again but is constantly developing and enriching the background. That is why a good teacher has very much information to share. And everyone knows that teacher is the busiest person in the world. And unfortunately teachers often do not have time to share knowledge because they have to fulfill too many obligations that are related to the teaching but not fully correspond to it.

The problem of time management has greatly grown up since the end of the 20th century. Nowadays people have to manage their time very thoroughly, time is money and it is precious like nothing else.  It’s very important to behave due to the constantly developing society, be tolerable and see the advantages of the development [1].

We are interested in innovations of modern educational system and nowadays the innovations are represented with the help of “e-learning”. “E-learning” is a system of making electronic document circulation. It is aimed to fulfill different aims. At first, it will help to make the work of teachers and pupils more transparent, reveal hidden problems of education nowadays. Secondly, it will help teachers to have more free time for self-education and development. In the third, it is easier to store the information, to save and to copy it in electronic way. That’s way we suppose the “E-learning” innovation to be very perspective and up-to-date.

As every phenomenon this type of information registration has its advantages and disadvantages. So, this is about good preparation of the system that we call “E-learning”. This program was developed in 2011 by Ministry of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011. In common it overwhelmed about 44 schools. The survey that was conducted in 2011 revealed 4405 respondents to be very pleased with this program. The survey was conducted among 5267 pupils [2].

To investigate the subject more thoroughly we decided to tell about online education as a part of the program. Online education-is a way of giving knowledge with the help of new computer technologies. It includes interactive lessons, online lessons, work with different sites. There exists a site elp.kz (E-learning portal, Kazakhstan). This site contains: schedule of online lessons, files for teachers, video lessons, on-line tuition for teachers in which many questions are being discussed, for example: how to be advanced user of a personal computer. This type of sites is also presented in Kazakh language. Its address is 1.sabak.kz.  The second part of “E-learning” as a phenomenon is that it represents the very new paradigm of education. At this point it is developed for all who takes part in the process of education: pupils and students, teachers and parents, administrators and even tutors. All you need is to have the log in and the password.

It is very interesting for all the participants to be closely connected with each other, to have transparent and clear educational system. Lots of problems can be decided in advance when we have the transparence of such a burning process like education. The third part of “E-learning as a process is interest to this phenomenon by other countries. It is about the document circulation and different useful educational materials.

Not so long ago the UNESCO has proclaimed the so called “Life Long Learning Principle” (LLLP). According to this principle people should study during the whole life. It is expected that in 2015 “E-learning” will be spread on 56 % of pupils, and by 2020- on 90 % of them. It is about development of new educational games, electronic and scientific laboratories, that is going to be very useful and helpful for teachers and students. So, we have described the advantages of educational innovation and pluses of “E-learning” program. As we have already mentioned every phenomenon has its disadvantages but we are not going to speak about them a lot today. Everything new is difficult for perception. It is hard for teachers to change the way of thinking and working, but it is necessary [3].

The only difficulty that matters is good basis for work of teacher and students, parents and administrators.

The “E-learning” program should be introduced with accuracy, schools and universities should be equipped with everything they need, and there should not be a concern about lack of computers and interactive-aimed equipment. And we think, it is possible to solve the problem, and everything will be as it should be: teachers will give knowledge, pupils will take the knowledge and give their gratitude back.

  1. Elp.kz
  2. 1.sabak.kz
  3. E-learning – платформа новой парадигмы обучения и условие массового качественного образования/Статья// – Нургалиева Г.К.

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