Зиновьев Феликс Владимирович1, Кифяк Анна Викторовна2
1Институт экономики и управления «Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского», профессор кафедры управления персоналом и экономики труда
2Институт экономики и управления «Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского», ассистент кафедры маркетинга, торгового и таможенного дела

В статье рассмотрены причины и возможные последствия изменений в требованиях к содержанию компетенций сотрудников служб управления персоналом.

Ключевые слова: движущие силы изменений, компетенции, критерии оценки деятельности, маркетинговый мониторинг, профессиональный стандарт, управление персоналом


Zinov’ev Felix Vladimirovich1, Kifiak Anna Viktorovna2
1Institute of Economics and management «V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University», Professor of the Department of Personnel management and labour Economics
2Institute of Economics and management «V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University», Lector of the Marketing, trade and customs Department

The article describes the causes and possible effects of changes in the requirements for the content of staff competence of human resource department.

Keywords: competency, dynamics of change, management of human resource, marketing monitoring, performance standards, professional standard


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Зиновьев Ф.В., Кифяк А.В. Marketing monitoring trends in the requirements for personnel services of the enterprises of the Crimea // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2015. № 10 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2015/10/58459 (дата обращения: 27.12.2024).

Due to the fact that the Crimea became part of Russian Federation is considerably changes in the vision of executives and organizations on matters related to the future development of function for personnel management, taking into account territorial specificities.

In this context, changing ideas of potential employers about the structure of the requirements of profstandart specialists in personnel management. The external business environment also exerts a strong influence. Formation of new promising trends in areas such as: information and communication technology, urbanization, demographic processes.

Based on the results of research PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporation, it is permissible to assert that in Russia the main driving forces influencing the processes of personnel management, is justified to think that “demographic problems (22%), digital technology (19%), social responsibility (18%), social networks (16%), the differences between generations (16%), global mobility (9%)” [1]. The degree of impact of these drivers on specific aspects of the HR function is significantly different: the impact on HR processes (36%), impact on knowledge and skills in the field of personnel management (23%), impact on the organization of work of personnel services (22%), impact on role of HR management in the organization (19%). In our opinion, numerical indicators should not be considered indisputable; however, they undoubtedly reflect the General character of the emerging trends. It should also take into account differences in the specific assessment of Russian and international companies (Table 1).

Table 1. Opinion leaders HR- services and top – managers of the most important factors affecting the operation of Personnel Management

The opinion of representatives of international companies The opinion of the representatives of russian companies
demographic problems – 69% demographic problems –60%
social networks- 58% digital technology- 58%
social responsibility-56% social responsibility-44%
digital technology- 52% differences between the generations-44%
differences between the generations-46% social networks-35%

Source: compiled on the basis of [1]
Among the three major problems faced by HR professionals in the Crimea (leadership development, improving employee engagement and ensuring high productivity), marked by the majority of respondents (58%, 50% and 47%, respectively). The first has the greatest effect in “pharmaceuticals and healthcare, second, in the sector of high technology of communications, and the third, in the sphere of production of consumer goods” [2]. Surveys of heads of human resources departments and top managers of Russian companies on the most important skills and knowledge in the field of personnel management, most likely in demand in the near future (Table.2) allow us to make reasonable changes in the characteristics of the most popular competencies for HR-employees.

Table 2. The importance and need to develop HR-competences

Requested skills
and knowledge

Will become priority areas,%


Сhange management



Corporate training and transfer
existing knowledge



Personnel Development



Performance management and
reward system



The restructuring of business and organizational structure



Planning headcount



Staff recruitment



Source: compiled on the basis of [1]

Unfortunately, today the professional standards for employees of personnel management services in Russia are not yet approved, but the list of functions of generalized labor specialists HR-Services (Table 3), the order of the Ministry of Labour of Russia approved of 12.04.2013 № 148n, refer to 5-7 -th level qualifications [3]. According to this order, “the 5th level of qualification implies the presence of secondary vocational education, the 6th level – higher education (undergraduate program), the 7th level – higher education (master’s program or Speciality)” [3]. In addition, it should be noted, and one more specific feature of Russia: the special professional standards for personnel is not intended and planned as a single, and for HR professionals and management staff of the organization.

Table 3. The list of generalized job functions

Name of generalized
work function
The skill level


labor functions

documentary maintenance
work with staff
5 Conducting organizational and administrative documentation of personnel. Record keeping and accounting for the movement of personnel. Administrative processes and workflow to integrate movement and shots
Activity provision services 6 Collecting information about the needs of the organization staff. Search, recruitment, recruitment and selection of staff. Administration process and document provision services
The assessment and
personnel Certification
6 Organization and assessment of staff. Organization and carrying out certification of personnel. Administration process and document management in the assessment and certification of personnel
Development activities
6 Organization and carrying out activities for the development and construction of the professional career of staff. Organization of teaching staff
Organization of adaptation and training of personnel. Administration process and document management for the development and professional career, training, adaptation and training of personnel
The organization of labor and payment of staff 6 The organization of the personnel. Organization of staff salaries. Administration process and document management on the organization of work and payment of staff
The activities of the organization corporate social policy 6 The development of corporate social policy. Implementation of corporate social policy. Administration process and document management on corporate social policies
The activities of the organization
work with personnel from among foreign citizens and persons without citizenship
6 Development of measures to work with the staff of the number of foreign citizens and persons
stateless. Work with the staff of the number of foreign citizens and stateless persons. Administration process and document management on attraction of foreign citizens and stateless persons
Operational management of staff and unit organization 7 Developing a system of operational personnel management and operation of the structural unit. Implementing operational management and staff work structural unit. Administrative processes and operational workflow of HR and the structural unit
Strategic human resources  management organization 7 Development of strategic personnel management

The implementation of strategic personnel management
Administrative processes for strategic management.

Compare demanded competences and requirements of the professional standard can be concluded about their fundamental mismatch with each other. Consequently, graduates of national universities are increasingly in demand in the labor market due to their failure to realize the potential employers’ expectations. When you save a fragmentation of this approach and further education, HR-specialists Services of domestic enterprises transform from professional helpers in the capitalization of the human potential employees of the enterprises in the “mechanical” performers requirements of the legal framework. With regard to the Crimea, the situation is further aggravated by: acts targeted sanctions regime, the legal framework is not enough defined, changing business conditions, financial, migration and demographic processes.

The return of the Crimea to the Russian Federation provides a unique opportunity to reformat the work of HR-specialists with a focus on the expected changes. The real “obstacle” for such changes should be considered as a transition period itself, accompanied by so many ongoing risk that service personnel management tend to self-preservation, not self-development. Specialists of the “new generation” or make demands incompatible with the working mentality of employers or find another niche use their abilities.

  1. Prospects of development of the functions of personnel management in Russia. Materials research Corporation PricewaterhouseCoopers URL: http://www.pwc.ru/
  2. Sociological survey in the framework of the 19th international business forum “Yalta Forum Eco 2. Cyndinics ECO2 Initiative Russia-Crimea” on 27.05.2015. During the Crimean Federal University, 2015. – 28 p.
  3. Profstandart the HR specialist. URL: http://www.kdelo.ru/art/378012-qqq-15-m5-profstandart-kadrovika


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