Остапенко И.И.1, Брянцев А.А.1
1Казахская головная архитектурно-строительная академия, доцент

В этой статье представлен международный опыт в строительстве полупрозрачного покрытия и подобное здание на примере Казахстан полупрозрачной палатке в Астане.


Bryanсev A.A.1, Ostapenko I.I.1
1Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, assistant Professor

This article provides an international experience in the construction of translucent coatings and similar building on the example of Kazakhstan translucent tent in Astana.

Keywords: Khan Shatyr

Рубрика: 18.00.00 АРХИТЕКТУРА

Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Остапенко И.И., Брянцев А.А. Concept of development translucent coatings in Kazakhstan // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2013. № 5 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2013/05/24493 (дата обращения: 23.04.2024).

Аll times, people tried to protect themselves and to protect against the many adverse and dangerous effects on the part of their environment. Heat and cold, rain and wind, wild animals and wild people have always been a problem for a quiet life. Therefore, even from ancient times, our ancestors began to build a shelter that creating immunity artificial environment, introduced into their lives more desirable comfort and safety.

Recently, advanced engineering construction idea in the world is moving purposefully to the creation of a new architecture and looking for new forms and methods of construction that meet the modern understanding of her safety and comfort, economy, and social benefits, aesthetics and energy efficiency, etc.

Architecture of the near future, using the latest engineering obligation to make the transition to this – a new stage in its development, including the establishment and maximize more comfortable and safe space of the human environment.In this direction, not only to create unique designs of such structures, such as a dome Houston – American megaproject risks becoming the most large-scale construction, the implementation of which will be to monitor the whole world.

Houston is one of the most populous cities in the United States, but because of the location in Texas and its territory is constantly exposed to “attack” of natural cataclysms: tornadoes, hurricanes and unbearable heat.

Dome will cover about 2 million square meters, is planned to be installed on a concrete base. The material is selected high-strength plastic, which will fall on the 370,000 steel stanchions. During the construction of the dome structure over Houston will be without cranes, utilizing cargo helicopters and helium airships, the last charge to keep working at height of 550 meters.                              Tower of Pisa of XXI century.

 Архитектура "Хан Шатыр"

Khan Shatyr

Figure 1. “Khan Shatyr” in Astana, Kazakhstan.

In the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana built the largest tent in the world, called “Khan Shatyr”, which is registered as a record for the Guinness World Records. Almost 152-meter structure, built from a variety of interesting elements of green design and ideas from the company “Foster and Partners, known thanks to the creation of such works as the Virgin Galactic Spaceport and the Queen Alia airport.

Tent built for a specific purpose: in the arid area of ​​Astana constantly observed rapid changes in temperature, so that in the tent “Khan Shatyr” temperature constantly in the range of 16 to 29 degrees Celsius, even if outside the tent, the temperature can range from -34 to 35 degrees Celsius. Thus, the tent, serving as a climate control system, solves an important problem of change in temperature and pressure, which is facilitated by the use of three layers of translucent material such effective as ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (EFTE).

General information.

Unique structure “Khan Shatyr” is considered one of the biggest in the world. This construction is a giant transparent tent has become the center of leisure and commerce in Astana with a mini-site golf course, a small lake, botanical gardens, sheltered beaches, beauty centers and beauty salons, concert halls, offices, 5-star hotel with the shopping center.

Building area – 8.7 hectares;Высота: 150 м;

Volume – 1.5 million cubic meters;

Weight metal construction – 2300 tons;

The total area of ​​the external walls – 123,915 sq. m.;

The total rentable area – ​​57,660 sq. m.;

Area of ​​the hypermarket – 4000 sq. m.;

The area of ​​retail trade – 19 000 sq. m.;

Area of ​​the central space – 1500 sq. m.;

Lookout area – 400 sq. m.;

Total area of ​​all six floors – 110 thousand sq. m.

Microclimate and lighting.

The unique architectural building concept aims to “fight” with the harsh climatic situation ancient Saryarka. There are a lot of green, light, which easily penetrates through a continuous network structure, covered with modern materials.

Functional solution.

The space of the shopping center “Khan Shatyr” carefully thought out: the main purpose of the location of the zones was to achieve maximum comfort for guests. Thus, the zero level is a hypermarket, which will provide direct access to the covered parking area. In addition, convenient elevators bring shoppers from the first level of colorful shops that are in the so-called zone of retail – in the hall of the hypermarket. All of this space is open, and therefore is easily visible.

Constructive solutions

The building is a 90-meter tent (cone irregular) mesh coated with a polymer ETFE. The mesh rests on a steel three-foot metal structure. Installed on the top of the mast. Three pillars support the 300-ton structure at a height of about 75 m .This construction, being a support for external mast, which is rigidly fixed to the upper part, also supports a basket, in which collected all the radial cables.

Translucent structures in many ways are superior to conventional building of this kind, and will be much easier to build, more reliable and cheaper to operate. But, unfortunately, translucent structures remain exclusive projects, and are not widely spread in the Kazakhstan construction.

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  2. Metal structures. Yu.I.Kudishin / E.I.Belenya, V.S.Ignateva,2007
  3. Unique buildings. The ideas that turned the world. Tereshkova AV Petukhov I.J.

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