Бондар Л.А.
Криворізький педагогічний інститут Криворізького національного університету
кандидат філ. наук, доцент

Стаття представляє собою розробку лабораторного заняття з англійської мови для студентів немовних, технічних спеціальностей.

Ключевые слова: Основнi iнстументи технiчного креслення


Bondar L.A.
Krivoy Rog Pedagogical Institute of Krivoy Rog National University
Ph.D. in philology, asociate professor

This article presents the plan of English lesson for students of technical specialties.


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Бондар Л.А. Методична розробка лабораторного заняття з англійської мови «Основнi iнстументи технiчного креслення» // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2012. № 5 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2012/05/12201 (дата обращения: 15.01.2025).


Статья представляет собой разработку лабораторного занятия по английскому языку для студентов неязыковых, технических специальностей.


Тема: Основні інструменти технічного креслення.

Навчально-методичні завдання заняття: введення, закріплення, активізація вивченого матеріалу.

Цільова настанова: орієнтація на формування розвитку навичок і умінь читання, монологічного мовлення, сприймання на слух лексики за темою.


Пізнавальний аспект: познайомити студентів з основними поняттями технічного креслення; познайомити з функціями головних інструментів, які використовуються для технічного креслення.

Навчальний аспект: навчати читати та розуміти тексти за фахом без словника; навчати обговорювати проблеми з теми в монологічних висловлюваннях і розуміти визначення певних термінологічних висловів;  активізувати лексику з теми, розширювати лексичний запас; навчати самостійно вирішувати завдання на базі вивченої лексики; удосконалювати навичку роботи з тестами; зміцнювати міжпредметні зв’язки.

Розвиваючий аспект: розвивати інтелектуальні, мовні і пізнавальні інтереси; розвивати мислення шляхом рішення поставлених завдань на рівні вибору або пошуку відповіді.

Виховний аспект: виховувати цивілізовану особистість з широкою культурою мислення.

Наочний матеріал: ноутбук, мультимедійний екран, відеоплівка, плакат, підручники.

Методи і прийоми: пояснювально-ілюстративний, демонстрація документального кінофільму, метод коментованого читання, метод усного та письмового контролю.

Етапи уроку:

1. Організаційний момент. Фонетична зарядка.

2. Лексична зарядка.

3. Робота з текстом.

4. Демонстрація документального кінофільму.

5. Виконання інтерактивного тестування.

6. Закріплення нового матеріалу заняття

7. Пояснення домашнього завдання.

8. Підведення підсумків заняття. Виставлення оцінок.

Хід заняття

  1. Організаційний момент. Фонетична зарядка. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Listen to the following words and word – combinations. Repeat them after me:

A technical drawing, a scale, drafters, geometric figures, a right angle, a special device, computer–assisted design, a good introduction to, CAD Layer Guidelines, your supervisor, a sketch.

Read and memorize following words and word – combinations:

A  drawing –  креслення; a scale – масштаб, масштабна лінійка; a blue print – проект; responsible – відповідальний; a surface – поверхня; career – кар’єра; opportunity – можливість; solving – рішення; to satisfy – задовольнити; an interior decorator – декоратор; to create – створити; quality – якість; a project – проект; to describe – описати; a standard – стандарт.

Read and translate the text «Definition of technical drawing» [1; с. 96].

  1. 2.      Лексична зарядка.

In each sentence one word does not fit the meaning of the sentence as the whole. From the list given below choose the right word. Try not to look through the text. Translate the sentences you’ve got as a result into Ukrainian.

No matter what tools are used to fix the drawings, typically your supervisor will give you a sketch and expect you to draw the required drawing.  This will include the ability to read what drawings need to be created, selected from a stock library, and edited; and to estimate the time needed to complete these assignments and meet deadlines established by the team captain, the client, the lending institution, or the building department. These decisions might include determining structural forms and connection methods for intersecting beams, drawing renderings, visiting job sites, and supervising beginning drafters. You will also need to become familiar with vendors’ projects.

(create, determine, sizes, catalogs)

3. Робота з текстом.

1. Read and translate the text:

As you begin working with this text, you are opening the door to many exciting careers. Each career in turn has many different opportunities within it. Whether your interest lies in theoretical problem solving, artistic creations, or working with your hands creating something practical; a course in architectural drafting and design will help you satisfy that interest. An architectural drafting class can lead to a career as a drafter, CAD technician, designer, interior decorator, interior designer, architect, or engineer. Mastering the information and skills presented in this text will prepare you for jobs as a drafter or CAD technician and serve as a solid foundation for each of the other listed professions as well as many others.

A drafter is the person who creates the drawings and details for another person’s creations. It is the drafter’s responsibility to use the proper line and lettering quality and to properly lay out the required drawings necessary to complete a project. Such a task requires great attention to detail as the drafter draws the supervisor’s sketches. Although the terms are used interchangeably, professionals often use the term drafter to refer to a person who draws manually using pencils or pens. The term CAD technician is used to describe a person who creates the same type of drawings using a computer. The term drafter will be used to describe both those who draw manually and those who create drawings using a computer.

Your job as a beginning or junior drafter will generally consist of making corrections to drawings created by others. There may not be a lot of mental stimulation to making changes, but it is a very necessary job. It is also a good introduction to the procedures and quality standards within an office. As your line and lettering quality improve, your responsibilities will be expanded. If you’re working at a firm that uses computers, in addition to mastering basic CAD commands, you’ll need to become familiar with the U.S. National CAD Standards (NCS). These are guidelines assembled by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) that incorporate the Uniform Drawing System (UDS) published by the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), CAD Layer Guidelines published by the American Institute of Architects, and the U.S. Coast Guard. These guidelines are aimed at bringing uniformity between consulting firms to ensure quality plans. You’ll also need to become proficient using the firm’s computer standards and any special menus and list-processing language (LISP) routines needed to work efficiently.

No matter what tools are used to create the drawings, typically your supervisor will give you a sketch and expect you to draw the required drawing.  The decisions involved in making drawings without sketches require the drafter to have a good understanding of what is being drawn. This understanding does not come from a textbook alone. To advance as a drafter and become a leader on the drawing team will require you to become an effective manager of your time. This will include the ability to determine what drawings need to be created, selected from a stock library, and edited; and to estimate the time needed to complete these assignments and meet deadlines established by the team captain, the client, the lending institution, or the building department. Don’t get the idea that a drafter does only the menial chores around an office. But you do need to be prepared, as you go to your first drafting job, to do things other than drafting.

Although your supervisor may prepare the basic design for a project, experienced drafters are expected to make decisions about construction design. These decisions might include determining structural sizes and connection methods for intersecting beams, drawing renderings, visiting job sites, and supervising beginning drafters. As you gain experience, you will be assigned drawings that are more complex. Instead of revising existing details or drawing site plans, cabinet elevations, or roof plans; an experienced drafter and team leader may be working on the floor and foundation plans, elevations, and sections. Your supervisor probably will still make the initial design drawings, but will pass these drawings on to you as soon as a client approves the preliminary drawings. In addition to drafting, you may work with the many city and state building departments that govern your work. This will require you to research the codes that govern the building industry. You will also need to become familiar with vendors’ catalogs. The most common is the Sweets Catalog [3; с. 3].

  1. 2.                Provide the answer.
  2. List five types of work that a junior drafter might be expected to perform.
  3. What three skills are usually required of a junior drafter for advancement?
  4. What types of drawings should a junior drafter expect to prepare?
  5. Describe what the junior drafter might be given to assist in making drawings.
  6. List four sources of written information that a drafter will need to be able to use.
  7. List and briefly describe different careers in which drafting would be helpful.
  8. 3.   Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the expressions and word-combinations given below:

An architectural drafting, CAD technician, interior designer, person’s creations, the required drawings, interchangeably, to describe, junior drafter, mental stimulation, the procedures, lettering quality, improve, your responsibilities, guidelines, to advance as a drafter.

 4. Give the English equivalents to the expressions and word-combinations given below:

Досвідчений спеціаліст, прийняти рішення, замість того, щоб, на додаток до розробки, каталоги виробників, широкий спектр, торгова марка, правильні лінії, вимагати велику увагу, малювати вручну, консалтингові фірми, креслення без ескізів.

5. Make your own dialogue using the following words, expressions and word–combinations (ex.8, p. 98):

Technical drawings, required drawings, professionals, who create, a good introduction to the procedures.

4. Демонстрація документального кінофільму.

5.   Виконання інтерактивного тестування.

TEST № 1. Select the best answer(s) from the list. Write the required letter.

1)  Dividers

a) are used to transfer dimensions or to divide a distance into a number of equal parts.

b) slide up and down the drafting board on cables that are attached to pulleys mounted at the top and bottom corners of the table.

c) can be used as a straightedge to connect points for drawing lines. … are used individually or in combination to draw angled lines in 15° increments.

d) are plastic sheets with standard symbols cut through them for tracing. Irregular ones are used to draw arcs having no constant radii.

e) can be used in place of triangles and parallel bars.

f) The drafting instruments used for making measurements, establishing dimensions, and drawing features at reduced size are called … .

2) Drafting machines

a) are used to transfer dimensions or to divide a distance into a number of equal parts.

b) slide up and down the drafting board on cables that are attached to pulleys mounted at the top and bottom corners of the table.

c) can be used as a straightedge to connect points for drawing lines. … are used individually or in combination to draw angled lines in 15° increments.

d) are plastic sheets with standard symbols cut through them for tracing. Irregular ones are used to draw arcs having no constant radii.

e) can be used in place of triangles and parallel bars.

f) The drafting instruments used for making measurements, establishing dimensions, and drawing features at reduced size are called … .

3) Triangles

a) are used to transfer dimensions or to divide a distance into a number of equal parts.

b) slide up and down the drafting board on cables that are attached to pulleys mounted at the top and bottom corners of the table.

c) can be used as a straightedge to connect points for drawing lines. … are used individually or in combination to draw angled lines in 15° increments.

d) are plastic sheets with standard symbols cut through them for tracing. Irregular ones are used to draw arcs having no constant radii.

e) can be used in place of triangles and parallel bars.

f) The drafting instruments used for making measurements, establishing dimensions, and drawing features at reduced size are called … .

4) Templates

a) are used to transfer dimensions or to divide a distance into a number of equal parts.

b) slide up and down the drafting board on cables that are attached to pulleys mounted at the top and bottom corners of the table.

c) can be used as a straightedge to connect points for drawing lines. … are used individually or in combination to draw angled lines in 15° increments.

d) are plastic sheets with standard symbols cut through them for tracing. Irregular ones are used to draw arcs having no constant radii.

e) can be used in place of triangles and parallel bars.

f) The drafting instruments used for making measurements, establishing dimensions, and drawing features at reduced size are called … .

5) Parallel bars

a) are used to transfer dimensions or to divide a distance into a number of equal parts.

b) slide up and down the drafting board on cables that are attached to pulleys mounted at the top and bottom corners of the table.

c) can be used as a straightedge to connect points for drawing lines. … are used individually or in combination to draw angled lines in 15° increments.

d) are plastic sheets with standard symbols cut through them for tracing. Irregular ones are used to draw arcs having no constant radii.

e) can be used in place of triangles and parallel bars.

f) The drafting instruments used for making measurements, establishing dimensions, and drawing features at reduced size are called … .

6) Scales

a) are used to transfer dimensions or to divide a distance into a number of equal parts.

b) slide up and down the drafting board on cables that are attached to pulleys mounted at the top and bottom corners of the table.

c) can be used as a straightedge to connect points for drawing lines. … are used individually or in combination to draw angled lines in 15° increments.

d) are plastic sheets with standard symbols cut through them for tracing. Irregular ones are used to draw arcs having no constant radii.

e) can be used in place of triangles and parallel bars.

f) The drafting instruments used for making measurements, establishing dimensions, and drawing features at reduced size are called … .

TEST № 2. Look at these descriptions of the Kinds of Compasses for technical drawing and match them with the names listed below.

Kinds of Compasses

Compasses are used to draw circles and arcs. A compass is especially useful for large circles. However, using a compass can be time consuming. Always use a template, whenever possible, to make circles or arcs quickly. There are several basic types of drafting compasses:

● ___ compass is mostly used for drawing small circles. The center rod contains the needle

point and remains stationary while the pencil, or pen, leg revolves around the point.

● ___ compass is most commonly used by professional drafters. This compass operates on the screw-jack principle by turning the large knurled center wheel.

● ___ compass is a bar with an adjustable needle and a pencil or pen attachment for swinging large arcs or circles. Also available is a beam that is adaptable to the bow compass. Such an adapter works only on bow compasses that have a removable break point, not on the fixed-point models.

         a. The center-wheel bow; b. The drop-bow ; с. The beam.

TEST № 3. This text «Erasers Used for Drafting» has six words missing. You must choose the best word to fill the gaps from the selection below.

The white pencil eraser is used for removing pencil marks from paper. It contains a small amount of pumice but can be used as a general-purpose pencil eraser. Pumice is an abrasive … .

A pink pencil eraser contains less pumice than the white pencil eraser. It can be used to erase … marks from most kinds of office paper without doing any damage to the surface.

Soft-green and soft-pink erasers contain no pumice and are designed for use on even the most delicate types of … without damaging the surface. The color difference is maintained only to satisfy long-established individual preferences.

Kneaded erasers are soft, stretchable, and nonabrasive. They can be formed into any size you want. Kneaded erasers are used for erasing pencil and charcoal. Kneaded erasers are also used for shading. In addition, kneaded erasers are handy for removing smudges from a drawing and for cleaning a drawing … .

A vinyl or plastic eraser contains no abrasive …. This eraser is used on polyester drafting film to erase plastic lead or ink.

The India ink refill eraser is for removing India ink from vellum or film. It contains a solvent that dissolves the binding … in the ink and the vinyl, and then removes the ink. This eraser does not work well with pencil lead.

  1. a scale                                material                                     drafter
  2. sketche                               pencil                                        computer
  3. drawing                               paper                                       field
  4. surface                                a figure                                     a device
  5. device                                  material                                   parallel
  6. interior                                agents                                      special

6.   Закріплення нового матеріалу заняття.

7.  Пояснення домашнього завдання.

8.  Підведення підсумків заняття. Оцінювання. Список відсутніх.

Библиографический список
  1. Бондар Л.А. Навчальний посібник для самостійної роботи студентів технічних спеціальностей / Л.А. Бондар. – Кривий Ріг : КДПУ, 2011. – 140 с.
  2. Ніколаєва С.Ю. Основи сучасної методики викладання іноземних мов (схеми і таблиці): навч. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. Закл / С. Ю. Ніколаєва. – К. : Ленвіт 2008. – 286 с.
  3. Alan Jefferis Architectural drafting and design / Alan Jefferis, David A. Madsen. – Delmar : Cengage Learning, 2011. – 1126 p.

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