Articles by keyword «import substitution»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Импортозамещение в России и неоиндустриальный переход

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Импортозамещение на рынке финансовых услуг

№ 3 March 2016 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Роль системно значимых банков в решении проблемы кредитования предприятий агропромышленного комплекса России в условиях импортозамещения

№ 11 November 2016 | Category: 06.00.00 Agriculture

Реализация импортозамещения роз на базе проекта строительства тепличного комплекса

№ 12 December 2016 | Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Articles in journal «Economics and Innovations Management»

Ktsoeva E.R. Problems of practical usage of the financial regulation methods of Russian national economy

July, 2015

Babikova A.V., Tikhonina A.V. Investing in innovation in Southern Federal District

December, 2015

Basnukayev M.S., Musostov C.R. Influence of the anti-Russian sanctions of Russian economy

January, 2016

Alekseev N.E. The impact of import substitution on the dynamics of consumption patterns

March, 2016

Nikolaenkova M.S. Strategic planning of development of the Russian pharmaceutical market in terms of import substitution

March, 2016

Pakhomov A.A. Russian agricultural policy in the light of the global economic crisis and the import substitution

April, 2016

Lomovtseva A.V., Artemyeva T.A. Implementation of the policy of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex of the Nizhny Novgorod region

June, 2016

Bochka A.V. The prospects of the domestic agricultural industry in global competition

December, 2016