Articles by keyword «дизельное топливо»

Articles in journal «Modern scientific researches and innovations»

Каталитический крекинг вакуумного дистиллята на микросферическом цеолитсодержащим катализаторе

№ 5 September 2011 | Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Articles in journal «Modern Technics and Technologies»

Abramov A.E.

October, 2011

Shapran V.N., Kartukov A.G., Berezniak A.V. Discharge of the sediment from the fuel tank

May, 2013

Shapran V.N., Kartukov A.G., Berezniak A.V. To question about clearing the diesel oil from mechanical admixtures and water

May, 2013

Shapran V.N., Kartukov A.G., Berezniak A.V. Warming-up of the fuel in low pressure system of the diesels

June, 2013

Krupnova T.G., Mashkova I.V., Kostryukova A.M. Investigation of environmental and quality standards of motor fuels

March, 2014

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Эксплуатационные материалы бронетранспортера БТР-80: краткая памятка

March, 2014