Rozyyeva Altyn1, Jumayeva Ogulay2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Candidate of Philological sciences, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language

The article explores synonymy, homonymy, and antonymy in the Turkmen language, focusing on their lexical and semantic features. Scholars have extensively studied these phenomena, emphasizing their importance for understanding the grammar of Turkmen. While lexical homonymy has been well-documented, attention is shifting to the homonymy of affixes. The study investigates various forms of homonymy, including lexical, word-formation, and grammatical homonymy, and discusses their implications for linguistic analysis. Through detailed analysis and examples, the article provides insights into the complexities of Turkmen linguistic phenomena.

Keywords: antonymy, grammatical structure, homonymy, linguistic analysis, suffixes, synonymy, Turkmen language, word formation

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Rozyyeva A., Jumayeva O. Multifunctional suffixes in Turkmen language // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2024. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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The cases of synonymy, homonymy and antonymy that reveal the lexical-semantic features of words in the Turkmen language were studied in the lexical or word-formation sections of the language.

The problem of lexical homonymy in the Turkmen language has been studied by a group of linguists such as P.Azymov [1], Y.Chongayev[5], A.Borjakov[3], A.Geldimyradov[4], K.Babayev[2]. The authors answered many questions, such as identifying the phenomenon that occurs at the lexical level, explaining its origin, giving a definition, and distinguishing it from the lexical synonymy and antonymy phenomena that are close to it. Based on the analysis of linguists, the cases of homonymy, synonymy, and antonymy of suffixes can be considered independent but interrelated problems of grammatical semantics, which are of great importance for the study of the grammar of the modern Turkmen language.

Recently, the study of the grammatical structure of the Turkmen language has been deepening. In connection with this situation, the grammatical category of affixes have not been specifically analyzed in the grammar department, but it is based on the unique features of the grammatical means used in the language, which have not been examined before. Homonymy of affixes, as one of the situations that reveal the semantic specificity of grammatical means, attracts the attention of many linguists as an urgent problem that has just begun to be studied in the Turkmen language.

“Unlike lexical homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms, which are concerned with the semantic aspects of the facts of language, word-formation … involves the structural aspect of artificial units in addition to semantics. In the case of homonyms, synonyms and antonyms, the root words must be similar and the affixes must be different. Unlike lexical homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms, word-formation homonymy, synonymy, and antonymy are typical. However, these phenomena are related because homonymy, synonymy, and antonymy in word formation occur in words, and words refer to facts of word formation and lexicon at the same time” [3, p. 21].

In the analysis of the phenomenon of homonymy, they are divided into lexical homonymy, word-formation homonymy, and grammatical homonymy. The origin of homonymy in each of these is not the same. “If the word in lexical homonymy has two or more meanings without any grammatical features (bag-agaç, bag-ýüp; sag-janly, sag- sag tarap; gök- asman we gök reňk we ş.m.), the grammatical form of a word is similar in form to another form.

Grammatical homonymy, particularly syntactic homonymy, has been of interest to scholars studying various languages. Because to determine the grammatical category of the suffixes that perform similar but different syntactic functions, to determine the grammatical meaning they create, if necessary, to determine the type according to the function of a certain suffix, and so on. and it is considered necessary to explain which word group they can be added to.

R.D. Magerramov’s article “О “грамматической” – синонимии, омонимии и антонимии /На материале азербайджанского языка” [5] has been studied for a long time in Azerbaijani linguistics and Russian linguistics from the lexical and semantic-stylistic point of view. It is noted that the homonymic, synonymous and antonymic meaning becomes the main formal sign in the creation of some grammatical image. It is said that the new meaning can be interpreted in different ways, and they involve grammatical devices as well as lexical units. Studying semantic categories only at the lexical level leaves their grammatical features out of focus. Therefore, linguists focus on their grammatical aspect.

Linguists who have studied the issue consider the formation of homonymous affixes belonging to different word groups as a way of word formation. In particular, this method of word formation is discussed in the articles of U. T. Tursunova and N. R. Radjabova, “Из истории изучения омонимов в узбекском литературном языке”, Z. Muhammedova ” Предварительные значения в словаре «heлли –лугати- чагатаj”, A. Kaidarov, G. Azerbaijani linguist R.D. Magerramov notes that Sadvakasov and A. Talipov’s book “Modern Uighur Language” contains information. However, homonymous suffixes in the Turkmen language are not only word-forming suffixes. Based on the examples of the Turkmen language, it can be seen that homonymy of suffixes appears more often in image-forming and word-modifying suffixes. This happens in two different ways:

a)   Homonymy occurs when the suffixes used in the language come into play: although suffixes -yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş; -laş/-leş are similar in appearance, they belong to different categories and homonymy occurs: Tan(a)- yş – partnership degree of the verb and oýlan-yş – image forming suffix; gör-üş -  partnership degree of the verb and pikirlen-iş – image forming suffix; adjective forming suffix -y/-i  (taryhy, medeni, gazaky) and third person conjugation suffix –y/-i  are homonyms (gülküsi, topy, öýi)  and so on.

b) secondly, the same suffix loses its former function and takes on a different function, and homonymy occurs: -dyr/-dir: Gelipdir (suffix of the past tense of the verb)– çagadyr(a verb suffix added to the end of a noun phrase); -myş/-miş: dolmuş (past participle) and dolupmyş (past tense suffix to the story) and so on.

Thus, the homonymous use of suffixes in the Turkmen language forms the following groups:

  1. The homonymy of the suffix of the insufficient verb -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür and causative verb suffixes -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür;
  2. The homonymy of the suffix of the nouns -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür to make up a predicate and causative verb suffixes -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür;
  3. The homonymy of the suffix of the adjectives -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür to make up a predicate and causative verb suffixes -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür;
  4. The homonymy of the suffix of the modal words -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür to make up a predicate and causative verb suffixes -dyr/-dir; -dur/-dür;
  5. The homonymy of the suffix of the insufficient verb –dy/-di and the suffix of the past tense of verbs –dy/-di;
  6. The homonymy of the suffix of the nouns -dy/-di  and the suffix of the past tense of verbs –dy/-di;
  7. The homonymy of the suffix of the adjectives -dy/-di and the suffix of the past tense of verbs –dy/-di;
  8. The homonymy of the suffix of the insufficient verb –dy/-di added to modal words and the suffix of the past tense of verbs –dy/-di;
  9. The homonymy of the suffix of partnership degree of the verbs -yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş; -laş/-leş and image forming suffix -yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş; -laş/-leş;
  10. The homonymy of the suffix of partnership degree of the verbs -yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş; -laş/-leş and noun suffixes yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş; -laş/-leş;
  11. The homonymy of the suffix of partnership degree of the verbs -laş/-leş and image forming suffix -laş/-leş;      
  12. The homonymy of the suffix of partnership degree of the verbs yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş  goşulmasy bilen  şekil ýasaýjy yş/-iş; -uş/-üş; -ş goşulmasynyň omonimdeşligi;
  13. The homonymy of the past participle suffix –myş/-miş and noun suffix –myş/-miş;
  14. The homonymy of the noun suffix –myş/-miş and adverb suffix -yp/-ip with the suffix of the past tense of verbs –myş/-miş;
  15. The homonymy of the past participle suffix –an/-en and the suffix of the past tense of verbs to the story –an/-en;
  16. The homonymy of the suffix of adverb in negative form –ma:n/-mä:n and the suffix of future indefinite tense of verbs –man/-men;
  17. The homonymy of the suffix –ma/-me of nouns and imperative mood;
  18. The homonymy of the future participle sufiix –jak/-jek and noun making suffix –jak/-jek;     
  19. The homonymy of the suffix of subjective evaluation of the adjective –jak/-jek and the suffix of  future definite tense of verbs–jak/-jek;
  20. The homonymy of the suffix of adverb –jyk/-jik and noun making suffix  –jyk/-jik;
  21. The homonymy of the suffix of subjective evaluation of the adjective –jyk/-jik; -ja/-je and the suffix added to interrogative pronouns –jyk/-jik; -ja/-je;
  22. The homonymy of the suffix of third person singular of nouns–y/-i; -ny/-ni and suffix of objective case of nouns –y/-i; -ny/-ni;
  23. The homonymy of the suffix of adverbs –a/-e and suffix of objective case of nouns –a/-e;
  24. The homonymy of the suffix of third person singular of nouns –y/-i and adjective making suffix –y/-i.

Thus, in the Turkmen language, the suffixes that are part of the homonymous relationship can be presented in the following groups according to their service:

  1. Homonymous image formative suffixes;
  2. Homonymous modifiers;
  3. Homonymous word forming suffixes.

Special scientific study of the phenomenon of homonymy of suffixes in the Turkmen language is of theoretical importance. The results of the research can provide additional information in the study of the “Word Formation”, “Morphology” and “Stylistics” of the Turkmen language.

  1. Azymow P. Türkmen diliniň meseleleri – Aşgabat, Ylym, 1969, 120 s.
  2. Babayew K.  Sinonimik morfemalar grammatik stilistikanyň esasy obýektleri. // Kitapda: Türkmen diliniň praktiki stilistikasy, -Aşgabat.1984, 14 s.
  3. Borjakow A. Türkmen dilinde söz yasalyş. Aşgabat, 1992, 30 sah.
  4. Geldimyradow A.
  5. Мегаррамова Р. Д. О “грамматической” – синонимии, омонимии и антонимии /На материале азербайджанского языка/. //В кн.: Материалы III всесоюзной тюркологической конференции, Ташкент, 1985, 191-193 с.
  6. Türkmen diliniň grammatikasy. Morfologiýa. – Aşgabat, Ruh, 1999.

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