Babayeva Sahra1, Hojayeva Ayjeren1
1Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

This article explores the profound reverence for women in Turkmenistan during the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State under the leadership of the Esteemed President. The article highlights the continuous praise of Turkmen women by poets throughout history, emphasizing the universal acknowledgment of their significance. Focusing on the poetry of Magtymguly, a revered thinker from the 18th century, the article delves into the multifaceted themes he explored, particularly his profound respect for intelligent women.

Keywords: beauty, kindness, Magtymguly, poems, women

Category: 24.00.00 Cultures

Article reference:
Babayeva S., Hojayeva A. Praise of beauty of women in the poems of Magtymguly Pyragy // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2024. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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During the Revival of the new Era of Powerful State, under the wise leadership of the President, the dignity of women is greatly respected in the country. In the book “Worshipping Mother – Worshipping a Sacred Person”, our National Leader mentions that our people regard the concept of “woman” in the meaning of “grandmother”, “mother”, “sister”, “sister in law”, “partner for life”. [1, p. 51] As it is known in history, the Turkmen people kept their women as a gift and gave them the most beautiful and valuable things in the world. “Our ancestors have always held the dignity of women in high regard. They bequeathed to our generations the tradition of honouring a dear mother, a faithful spouse, a beloved sister. These principles have become a noble tradition of our people over the centuries,” said our National Leader. [1, p. 53] In every era, every poet described and praised the Turkmen woman. There is probably no poet who did not praise the Turkmen woman.

Magtymguly’s poetical themes are very broad. One of the important themes in his work is the issue of women. The poetry of the great thinker, who has been the spiritual wing of Turkmen since the 18th century, is very versatile. By reading Magtymguly’s poems, every reader finds clear ways to cope with the most complicated paths encountered in life. He has great respect for intelligent women.

In the poet’s multifaceted poetry, which is as wide and deep as the ocean, he created many poems related to the life and traditions of the Turkmen people, as well as the dignity, behaviour, manners, and beauty of women. He put forward ideas about the great role of women in family, life and society. In the poet’s poem “Duz hem bolmasa”:

Dünýä ýüzi meňzär duzsuz tagama,

Söz içinde gelin-gyz hem bolmasa- [2, p. 152]

in other words, he considers all daughters-in-law to be the beauty of the family and the decoration of life. Our famous poet Magtymguly Pyragy wrote in his poem “Gerekdir”:

“Menem” diýen goç ýigide,

Bir mynasyp ýar gerekdir.

Arap at, ýowly ýigide

Almaz zülpükar gerekdir-[2, p. 90]

The great poet also appreciated the role of women in life. The main responsibility for raising children in the spirit of patriotism, morality, and self-confidence falls on the shoulders of the woman of the family, the house wife. Because mothers take care of their children day and night.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, says in his book ” Paýhas çesmesi”: ” Ogul öýüň eýesi, gyz üstüň saýasy (A son is the master of the house, and a daughter is the shadow of the head)” [3, p. 189] The poet emphasizes that women have a great service in the family, in raising children, especially in raising noble, polite, hard-working girls and boys who are brave, strong, loyal to the country, and take care of the nation.

The poet Magtymguly urges every daughter to be an example of intelligence, hard work, and integrity.

Accordingly, Turkmen men have always carried the honor and dignity of women on their shoulders, highly valued their humanity, the purity of their actions, and their love for women.

Men loved women from the bottom of their hearts and believed in them. According to Magtymguly Pyragy’s view, a true Turkmen woman should always make her family proud with her boundless love and devotion to her family. That’s why, a young man should be able to choose a life partner wisely among girls. The most important thing is that love, respect and trust are mutual. Magtymguly Pyragy puts forward this idea in many of his poems.

The ideas presented in his poems do not lose their educational importance even in our days. The poet praises the beauty of women. In the poem ” Gaşy ýaý” he wrote:

Bir dilbere duş boldum, gamzasy ok, gaşy ýaý,

Gün haýrandyr görkünden, hijalata dogan aý. [4, p. 149]

Not only in the poet’s poems praising women, but also in the poem “Gözleriň”:

Magtymguly ýar armany,

Agladar beşer-gulmany,

Musulmanyň din-imany,

               Ymmatdyr gara gözleriň. [5, p. 617]

          As it can be seen from these examples, the black eyes of the disintegrating woman are compared to religion. The great poets of the Eastern peoples – Novai, Nizamy and others – treated women with this kind of respect.

The great poet praises the beauty of the Turkmen woman in his poem ” Ýüzüňden”:

Aý kibi roýuňy gördüm,

  Nur saçylar ýar ýüzünden,

 Bir Mejnunam, däli erdim,

              Nowaýy jindeli sazyndan. [5, p. 121]

In addition, in the poem “Bolmasa” by the wise poet:

Magtymguly, biliň, şundag zamandyr,

Şindi haýyr bolsa, soňra zyýandyr,

Är ýigidiň içi doly armandyr,

      Gara göz, gunça bil ýary bolmasa [5, p. 148]

In his poems, the poet says that the girl who will be the wife should have a good appearance, a healthy spirit, a high level of morals, a kind language, and a gentle speech. Only then, the bride-to-be can take over the whole family’s destiny in her new home with her pure spirit and gentleness.

According to the wise poet, he commented on the important role of women in family unity, that is, in the strength of the state, in the poem “Gözel sen” as follows:

Gün hanjary gökden ýere inende,

Güne garşy dogan aýy gözel sen;

Usta Jepbar işi, Senjap jüpbesi,

Ispyhanda gurlan ýaýy gözel sen! [6, p. 44]

In Magtymguly’s poems, details showing the characteristics of Turkmen women and their clothes are also used in the poem ” Gözel sen”:

Saçbagyň ujunyň simdir işmesi,

      Üstüňden ýol düşse, kyndyr aşmasy,

       Agzyň aby-haýýat, Zemzem çeşmesi,

Aýnalbaky suwnuň laýy gözel sen- [6, p. 45]

The main quality in women is beauty, kindness and high-mindedness. That is why Magtymguly considered the women of his people as pillars, decoration, joy, support, and beauty of the world, and he made them higher than fairies, angels and other imaginary beauties.

The poet’s poems about women and advices found a place in the hearts of the people. Today, great efforts are being made for women to work freely and creatively in our country. During the Revival of the new Era of the Powerful state, great respect is paid to our women, whose souls are full of love. Women live a happy life, work honestly in all sectors of the country, and raise children.

By reading the poems of our great poet Magtymguly Pyragy, we like the advice he gives us. It is a guiding light on the path of life.

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