Allanurov Dowlet Rowshenmuhammedovich1, Jeyhunov Atajan Jeyhun ogly1
1Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Lecturer in the Department of English Stylistics and Grammar

This article explores how Magtymguly Pyragy's poetry acts as a cultural and ethical foundation for the moral education of the young generation, contributing to the development of a virtuous, patriotic, and principled youth. The poet's verses not only encourage good behavior but also serve as a timeless guide for the youth, embodying the cultural richness and ethical principles of Turkmenistan.

Keywords: education, Magtymguly, poetry, upbringing, young generation

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
Allanurov D.R., Jeyhunov A.J.o. Upbringing of young generation in the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2024. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2024/01/101344

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During the Revival of the new Era of the Powerful State, great attention is paid to studying the national heritage, literature, and history of the Turkmen people on a scientific basis, bringing it to the public, and educating the young generation on that basis. Our Esteemed President said the following in his every speech: “All efforts will be made to improve the national educational system, educate young people with broad vision, goal-oriented, capable of managing innovative technologies, highly qualified and trained” [7, p. 3]. Raising young people who meet international standards, can speak their native language culturally, speak fluently in foreign languages and become experts in their fields is a top priority in our country.

The poetry of Turkmen literature and classical poets serves as a source for educating the young generation in the national spirit. In particular, the works of a wise word master like Magtymguly Pyragy are an invaluable guide for us. All aspects of life are discussed in the poet’s work. Namely, poems about parenting occupy a large part of his poetry. The poet says: ” Ulalanda iş hoş ýakmaz, ýaşlykda köýmän ýigide.” The poet bases his thoughts in his instructive poems on the manners and lifestyle of the people. If you look at any poem he wrote on any topic, you can see that the idea in the poem has a folk poetical basis. In the poems about the education of young generation, it can be seen that the people were guided by the school of ethics created by the people to make the young generation pure moral and patriotic people. Because among the people, there are many legends and stories about the fact that the education of the generation should start from a young age, and that the formation of an educated generation is a condition for the future of the family and the entire society. Magtymguly Pyragy is also a poet who has left an indelible mark in the history of Turkmen literature as a master of words, who captured the people’s thoughts and expressed them artistically.

Poems of the master poet are of great importance in imparting moral education to the young generation, developing in them the feelings of patriotism, unity, brotherhood, and forming such wonderful qualities as fairness and integrity. In every poem of the poet, one can feel the boundless love for the Motherland. Magtymguly Pyragy’s wise lines about loving the Motherland and protecting it as much as possible become a guide in the work of developing the sacred love for our motherland in young people. Therefore, they are an invaluable treasure in educating the youth worthy of our nation and era, promoting nationalism, and adhering to our principles of statehood. Poems that encourage good behaviour such as humanity, honesty, courage, etc. are a guide to the young generation.

In his works, Magtymguly mentions that the greatest duty is to create a perfect generation in the Turkmen family:

Ýürek daýanjydyr ogul zürýady,

Şirin mahbup erer süňňüň kuwwaty,

Ýigidiň dünýäde üçdür myrady,

Mahbup gerek, ýarag gerek, at ýagşy. [6, p. 493]

Huda  berse  sagadatly  bir  perzent,

Garrygan   çagyňda  ýaş  eder seni. [6, p. 466] –

In his lines, having a perfect descendant is a parent’s greatest dream and hope for a bright future.

The poet was guided by the idea that in educating the young generation, first of all, the interests of the nation should be taken into account, they should benefit their country and people. He encouraged the people to love the Motherland, understand its value, and protect it as much as possible, following the wise words of the people: ” Goç ýigide toýdur-baýram, Her iş gelse il biläni.”

The content of Magtymguly’s moral-educative poems and his thoughts are devoted to the noble qualities of humanity, the beauties and wonders of the human spirit. By making extensive use of the rich experience of the people in the field of humanism, manners, and culture, he groomed and organized them in accordance with the requirements of the time, and also developed and enriched them. Above all, he expressed them in a perfect form, with highly artistic, enchanting and captivating poetry.

Aryp bolsaň, aslyn sorma ýigidiň,

Edebinde, ekramynda bellidir. [6,  p. 320]

— The lines express the qualities that make a person human. Also, the poet’s lines expressing the correct speech are of great value in admonishing the younger generation:

Magtymguly, imdi özüňni gözle,

Haýyr işiňi artdyr, ýamany düzle,

Aklyň bolsa, märekede az sözle,

Köp söz seni il içinde har eýlär [6,  p. 482]

Considering our mother tongue as the mirror of all sciences, our ancestors bequeathed to the generations that even if you know a hundred languages, you should not forget your mother tongue. Language is the greatest national value that people have cultivated and perfected over the centuries. Our hero Arkadag in the novel “Döwlet guşy” says about our mother tongue: “We have a rich, poetic language. This tells about the richness and poetry of the soul of our people, because the soul of the nation lives in the language. The language is an expression of the national structure, spiritual life, dreams, desires, and feelings of the people” [5, p. 6]. Our rich, poetic language, unique literary works are the main means of cultivating love and respect for our mother tongue and our nationality.

During the revival of the new Era of a Powerful State, special attention is paid to the development of our national culture and traditions, whose broad content, artistry and historical roots are intertwined with deeper moments. In this case, the poetry of the wise poet is exemplary. Because these poems encourage speaking little but long. It is said that a person’s character is recognized by his words and speech.

Philosophical views and moral concepts related to life expressed by the wise poet in his poems are a model school not only for the younger generation, but also for older people. Those thoughts and lines of admonition are passed down from generation to generation and are taught to young people in the family and in educational institutions. Awakening good hopes and dreams in hearts, choosing only the right path, staying away from bad habits are the issues that are widely discussed in the poems of the poet. In these poems, Shahir tries to provide an artistic solution to the problems of the Turkmen people. Of course, these poems have a special place in human life and are an immortal heritage.

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  7. Mugallymlar gazeti. 2022- nji ýylyň 23-nji maýy. № 41 (10065)

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