Yolov Mergen1, Abdyyev Dowletgeldi2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Roman and Germanic languages
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Foreign literature

This article discusses various computer programs for teaching foreign languages. The organizational forms of work in the conditions of a modern computerized educational process are also described. The advantages of using a computer and various computer programs in teaching a foreign language are given.

Keywords: Computer Programs, foreign language, information technology

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
Yolov M., Abdyyev D. Computer programs in teaching foreign languages // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2023. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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In the 21st century, learning with the help of computer technology makes it possible to organize independent learning for students. For example, when learning listening, the student gets the opportunity to hear foreign speech; when learning speaking, he can pronounce phrases in a foreign language into a microphone, and when studying grammar, each student can perform grammar exercises, etc.

Currently, the use of information technologies, as well as the Internet in universities and secondary schools, is still limited and rather weakly connected with the educational process. The use of computer technology in teaching a foreign language (FL) greatly facilitates the work of both the student and the teacher. But this method of teaching has not yet been appreciated.

The computer can be used at all stages of learning: when explaining new material, during consolidation, repetition, and control. Teaching a foreign language using a computer and various computer programs has a number of advantages. E.S. Polat highlights the following advantages:

- students’ interest in computer technology often leads to high motivation for the learning process;

- during training using computer programs, students’ general, computer and language culture improves;

- the learning process is individualized;

- students’ cognitive abilities develop;

- the assessment is objective;

- ensures effective execution of exercises.

It should also be noted the advantages of using computer programs and, directly, the computer. The list of these advantages includes:

- Free learning mode (independent choice of time, pauses and pace of work).

- Objective assessment of student responses; no bias towards any of the students.

There are also inherent disadvantages when teaching using information and communication technologies (ICT). It can be:

- difficulties in transmitting large amounts of information;

- the need to use the labor of highly qualified specialists to support and update the software system and data [3, p.140].

There are the following organizational forms of work in the conditions of a modern, computerized educational process:

1) The PC is used as an additional technical teaching aid for organizing independent work of students in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher.

2) Autonomous work of the student with a computer in an individual mode.

3) Distance learning, in which a computer and computer programs are a means of communication between the teacher and the student. 4) Collective creative work of students.

5) Communication of different groups of students organized by the teacher using telecommunication computer tools (e-mail).

6) Students work at one PC (when teaching speaking).

In the 21st century there is such a thing as computer linguodidactics. Computer linguodidactics is a field of linguodidactics that studies the theory and practice of using computers in language teaching. Nowadays, research scientists distinguish two stages in the development of linguodidactics: traditional and modern.

The first stage covers the 60-80s, when computers were used to teach certain types of speech activity, as well as aspects of language. The most common types of programs of that time were considered training and training-control programs, which were designed to teach vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing.

The second stage began in the 90s of the 20th century. This stage is associated with the advent of multimedia, telecommunications technologies, as well as changes in the technical capabilities of computers. All these tools made it possible to use the computer to work on all aspects of the language. It also became possible to actually communicate with native speakers (both written and oral).

The use of computers in language teaching has developed in two areas:

1) in teaching the native language;

2) in teaching a foreign (second) language in the language environment and outside it. When using a computer in teaching, a special process of interaction and cooperation is created, which must be based on professional interest and the performance of practically significant work by students.

The use of computer technology in foreign language lessons is one of the types of organization of the educational process. There are a huge number of different programs that allow you to learn a foreign language using computers. When teaching a foreign language, the following computer programs can be used [2, p. 234]:

1. Wordstock (a program for working with a dictionary). This program is intended for independent compilation of a dictionary. The student can write down up to 1000 words with their definitions and examples. At any time, he can look up a word or test his knowledge of vocabulary: the definition of the word is shown on the screen and followed by a question about the word itself. The space example serves as a hint. The program is extremely easy to use and is ideal for individual training, as well as group training and information sharing.

2. Matchmaster (matchmaking program). This universal program is in constant demand among students. The student must correctly connect lexical units (from a word to a paragraph in three lines) of the right and left columns. The selection is made by viewing both columns using the indicator arrows. The printing device allows you to reproduce exercises on paper for individual and class work.

3. Choicemaster (program for choosing options). This is an easy to use program for creating multiple choice exercises. The programmer can set 3-5 choices or a different number for each example and optionally include error indicators that record each incorrect action. Questions can be shown in order or randomly. When creating exercises, the teacher does not have to adhere to a certain number of questions. After completing the exercise, questions may be added. To do this, use the “Editor” program. Anyone working with a computer can choose testing and training modes. In the first, the student does not know which of his answers are correct until the end of the exercise. The second mode provides an immediate response and an error indicator. If necessary, the results of the student’s work (number of errors) can be issued in printed form.

4. Closemaster (program for filling in gaps). The program allows the teacher or student to enter, write to disk or edit texts of up to 50 lines. The student selects a text by title and, before displaying it on the display, determines which words in the text should be omitted (from every fifth to every fifteenth). Then, looking through the text with numbered spaces, fills them. Texts in different languages with spaces can be obtained in printed form. Students can fill them out on paper at a speed convenient for themselves and at a convenient time compare the results of their work with computer data.

5. Crosswordmaster (a program for filling out a crossword puzzle). The program allows you to create, record and solve crossword puzzles on a computer, and also provides a mode of operation for two students. The programmer can define the size of the diagram (from five to fifteen squares in any direction) and print words and spaces in it. A crossword puzzle can be of any type – educational or entertaining, with words invented on the spot or taken from the text.

6. Unisub (substitution program). In the displayed text, pre-selected words or expressions are highlighted one by one with a brighter image. The learner must substitute other words or expressions instead.

7. Unilex (a program for working with a dictionary for text). The program compiles a list of all words in the text in alphabetical order and indicates the frequency of use of each word. The list can be recorded on disk or issued in printed form. It can be used in preparing lexical explanations for certain texts.

It is obvious that for use in the educational process in FL and in extracurricular (independent) work, ICTs provide ample opportunities for students of almost all ages, thereby making it possible to make up for the insufficient number of lessons per week (2 hours) in FL.

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  3. Полат Е.С. Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования: учебное пособие / Е.С. Полат, М.Ю. Бухаркина, М.В. Моисеева, А.К. Петров. – Москва: Издательский центр “Академия”, 1999. – 224 с.

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