Charyyarova Mahri1, Myradow Shohrat2
1Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, Lecturer in the Department of Turkmen language
2Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, 5th year student

In Turkology, including the Turkmen language, problems related to word semantics are studied. It should be noted here that the issue of semantics is divided into lexical and grammatical parts of the language.

Keywords: different scholars, semantics, thought, verbs

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Charyyarova M., Myradow S. Semantic classification of verbs related with thought in the Turkmen language // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2023. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Functional semantics is also one of the main problems of grammatical semantics. It is not fully studied in Turkology. Linguists who have specialized in this field point out that there is still much to be learned about operational meanings.

Verb groups in Turkic languages are distinguished by the richness and complexity of their grammatical structure and the wide range of meaning. Scholars note that verbs that reveal the main signs and unique aspects of the grammatical structure of the language can be the object of lexicology and lexicography at the same time as the grammatical section.

In this respect, the works of O. Bötling, S.V. Yastremskyi, V.W. Radlov, I.A. Batmanov, A.N. Kononov, Y.R. Tenishev, A.A. Yuldashev, Y.V. Sevortyan, V.A. Isengaliyeva, etc. were specially studied by prominent Turkologists. These linguists address various problems of the verb: they determine its morphological structure, reveal its lexical and grammatical nature, analyze numerous problems regarding the grammatical categories of the verb.

Some specific works have been done on the study of verb semantics in Turkic languages. V.F. Veshilova ” Глаголы движения в турецком языке”, E.R. Tenishev ” Глаголы движения в тюркских языках”, E.A. Ubryatova ” Глаголы речи в якутском языке” (manuscript), A.A. Yuldashev ” Глаголы чувственного восприятия”, N.Z. Gadziyeva, A.A. Koklyanova ” Глаголы речи в тюркских языках” (manuscript) An example of this is his works such as Turkic languages. These works performed by the mentioned authors are of great importance in the study of the problem of semantics in Turkic languages. It can be noted that in recent times, topics related to this problem are studied in different aspects. For example, N.K. Dmitriev’s ” Лексико-семантическое сочетаемость глаголов движения”, B.M. Ibrahimova’s “К синтагматической характеристике глаголов движения в современном русском языке”, T.A. Kildibekova’s “Глаголы действия и их роль в организации семантической структуры высказывания”, A.M. Namudilina’s “Синтаксическая сочетаемость глаголов движения” works like this show that this topic is widely studied in Turkic languages and that it is an interesting issue that attracts the attention of linguists. In addition to the mentioned cases, it can also be assumed that individual verb meanings are developed in the comparative plan in Turkish languages.

Among them, G. Kuliyev’s article “Семантическая классификация глаголов азербайджанского и туркменского языков” is worth mentioning. In this work, the author notes the semantic groups of the verbs of these two related languages, which belong to the southeastern group of Turkic languages.

Information about the verb group of the Turkmen language, its grammatical structure, and the nature of meaning can be found in the works of A.P. Poseluyevsky, H. Bailyev, B. Charyarov, M. Khudgulyev, B. Khojaev, A. Borjakov, R. Berdiyev, S. Arnazarov. However, just like in other Turkic languages, in Turkmen language there are many issues of verbs that need to be studied. Such problems are constantly faced with the development and improvement of Turkmen language education. For example, in recent decades in the science of Turkology, more attention has been paid to the study of verbs from a semantic point of view. with its objective complexity.

In modern Turkmen language linguistics, although the semantic groups of verbs are not fully studied grammatically, some work has been done to study them by dividing them into semantic groups from the lexicographic point of view. The main place in this list belongs to the work “Semantics of the Turkmen verb” by K.B. Gayibova. The main feature of this work, which the author performed by dividing the verbs of the Turkmen language into semantic groups, is that it was performed from the point of view of lexicography. The main purpose of the results of this work is to use them in the compilation of dictionaries. One of the important aspects of the discussed work is that it divides the verbs in the modern Turkmen language into groups according to their semantic characteristics for the first time, and determines what principles lie behind such a division.

The analyzes carried out and carried out on each of the groups divided by the semantic features of verbs by the author, first of all, are of great importance in improving the study of the grammatical structure of the Turkmen language.

K.B.Gaybova correctly writes that verbs in general linguistics are divided into several general semantic groups and divides them into groups representing 1) physical labour, 2) intellectual work of a person, 3) welfare. Based on this, he divides the verbs of the Turkmen language into three main groups. Based on the above, it is possible to divide the meaning of verbs in the Turkmen language into more specific meaning groups:

1) Action verbs.

2) emotional verbs.

(a) Viewing verbs.

(b) auditory verbs.

3) thought verbs.

4) business verbs, etc.

In general, different languages have different principles behind the semantic classification of verbs. For example, in the work of V. P. Vasilev ” Семантика русского глагола” it is noted that the division of verbs into semantic groups is mainly based on three principles – traditional (traditional, thematic and denotative) principles. However, in the work of K. B. Gaibova called ” Семантика туркменского глагола” it is noted that the thematic principle is chosen among these principles, and that this principle is convenient for dividing verbs into semantic groups and revealing their semantic features. The main goal of the work being carried out is to study the thinking operations, which are one of the meaning groups divided on the basis of this chosen principle, from the lexical-semantic, grammatical point of view.

As one of the analyzes conducted on separate semantic groups of verbs in the Turkmen language, it is possible to mention the monographic work of S. Ärnazarov entitled ” Türkmen dilinde sözleýiş işlikleri”. Here, speech verbs of the Turkmen language are analyzed independently for the first time. This semantic group, chosen by the linguist S. Arnazarov as the object of analysis, is distinguished by its breadth and complexity in the modern Turkmen language. He analyzes this semantic group of verbs, first from a monographic, then from a lexical-grammatical point of view. The work analyzes only the morphological structure of speech acts, which may or may not coincide with other semantic groups. By following their morphological structure, it is possible to ensure the formation of the studied meaning feature.

In the recent scientific literature, a lot is said about the systematicity of the language, in particular, about the systematicity of the lexical composition of the language. There have been many arguments for and against this idea. By measuring the expressed opinions and attitudes, the scientists came to the only correct conclusion. In our opinion, the lexical structure of any language is a special type of structure that does not obey a specific logical scheme, because the structure of the lexical structure of traditional languages is characterized by its openness, certain asymmetry, non-regular semantic opposition, non-rigid hierarchy, and resistance of structural connections. etc. significantly different.

Among these signs characteristic of the language, it shows that the hierarchical character emerges uniquely in terms of verb meanings. For example, this can be seen more clearly in the example of thought processes of the Turkmen language. This is because human activities that represent the thought process consist of several periods. In the process of thinking, a person first experiences the initial basis of this action: that is, when he first thinks about something, he first perceives it through the organ of thought, the first state (sign) of thought appears in his mind. A person first receives the concept of any thing with his mind (brain). As Z.M.Vasilev rightly pointed out, the activities representing the result of the thinking process form a very complex paradigm. They are combined into a paradigm based on the hierarchical connection of words with mutual (dependent) main meaning: hasaplamak – çaklamak – ynanmak, düşünmek – ýalňyşmak.

Assumptions about this concept form calculations. Only then does he begin to understand and believe in it. The second phase of this thinking is a continuation of the initial period. Once such a concept is formed in a person’s mind, he is aware of the consequences of his thinking about it. It is a continuation of the hierarchical movement and culminates in a person reaching a certain conclusion on this movement. After that, another new period of thinking begins. It is also completed by the fact that the thought process remains in the mind of a person.

As it is known from the result of the mental activity of the person, which is connected with the thought process itself and its result, the actions representing this action form a sequence of development in the Turkmen language. For example:

I Akmak aranda aňar (Nakyllar we atalar sözi, p. 59)

II Keýwany, sen hiç zada düşüneňok (Ýigrimi üç Ependi, p. 59).

III Duýdurmasaň duýmaz, düýşüňde goýmaz (Nakyllar we atalar sözi, p. 53)

IV Okasaň, ylym alarsyň, hemme zady bilersiň (Nakyllar we atalar sözi, p. 113).

Akyl et, pikir et, pisindiňe syganna ynan, sygmadygna ynanma (Nakyllar we atalar sözi, p. 72).

Akylly öwrener, akmak öwreder (Nakyllar we atalar sözi, p. 60)

III Duşman seni tanamanka, sen duşmany tana. (nakyllar we atalar sözi, p. 104).

Adam öýlenende öýüň agdar-düňder bolýandagy hemmeler aýan zat, şonuň üçin hem öňünden çäre görýärin (23 Ependi, p. 19).

IV Hoja:”Ä-hä,görýän weli, ojagam aýalymdan gorkýan eken”diýen netijä gelipdir (23 Ependi, p. 40).

Aýaly şondan soň ondan her gün pul getirmegi talap etmändir,sebäbi Allanyň Nasreddini betbagt etmejegine göz ýetiripdir (23 Ependi,204s).

Hierarchical order of thought verbs used in Turkmen language is not complete in all cases. According to the implementation of the action, it may or may not show a hierarchical order (continuity). Therefore, many linguists who have studied this issue divide thinking verbs into: 1) verbs that express the process of thinking and those that express the result of an act of thinking.

The emergence of the possibility of following such a hierarchical connection between the semantic groups representing the meaning of verbs not only shows the diversity and breadth of the meaning of verbs in the Turkmen language, but also reveals that this process is very continuous and regular. In the works of scientists who have studied this problem, thinking functions are not the same as in the higher development stage. If, from the point of view of the study of this problem, we take linguists in general, not according to the division of Western languages or Turkologists, then L.M. Vasilev thought functions (1 thinking. knowledge and memory) If he divides the activities, K.B. Gayipova gives them within the framework of general thinking activities.

In our opinion, the separation of verbs in the Turkmen language takes place conditionally. Because there are verbs in the language that can refer to a specific verb meaning. For example, some cognitive functions can also be related to emotions. It can be considered that thinking here is mainly related to the emotional state of the person, resulting from it.

It is possible to refer to S. Arnazarov’s opinion here: “Speech acts are closely related to thought acts (verba sentient)”, that is, through such acts, the subject expresses his opinion about his object or his attitudes related to it. In this work of the author, lexical meanings of speech acts are given. It can be seen that the separated meaning groups related to consultation, argument, dispute, slander, gossip, deceit, oath, promise, which are found among them, are divided in direct connection with the work of human thinking.

  1. Гаджиева Н.З., Коклянова А.А. «Глаголы речи в тюркских языках. В кн. Историческое развитие лексики тюркских языков» – М., 1961г.
  2. Гайыпова К.Б. «Семантика туркменского глагола» Ашгабат 1993г.
  3. Ärnazarow S. “Türkmen dilinde sözleýiş işlikleri” Aşgabat, Ylym, 1982ý.
  4. Кулиев Г. «Семантическая классификация глаголов азербайджанского и туркменского языков» Известия АН Азерб. ССР серия литературы языка и искусства. 1968г.
  5. Худайкулиев М. «Аналитические конструкции глагола и сложные глаголы в туркменском языке // Вопросы советской тюркологии» Т.1. Ашгабад, 1988г.
  6. B. Çaryýarow “Günorta-günbatar türki dillerde işlik zamanlary” Ylym neşirýaty, 1970.

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