Jepbarova Sapargul
International University for the Humanities and Development
Lecturer in the Language Learning Department

The relevance of this study is determined by the need of modern society for qualified specialists, which leads to the need to improve the higher education system. This dictates the need for high-quality training of an English teacher who is able to act as an active subject of professional activity and has a high level of communicative competence.

Keywords: communicative competence, language learning, modern technologies

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
Jepbarova S. Formation of communicative competence when teaching the English language // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2023. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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The objectives of language training for specialists with higher education for various specialties determine the communicative and practical nature of the course: correction, development and improvement of speech skills, listening and speaking, reading and writing. Future specialists must be taught how to take notes and abstract literature in their specialty in English, prepare scientific reports and communications, participate in discussions, draw up business papers – statements, autobiographies, receipts, protocols, etc. High-quality teaching of the English language to students involves the widespread use of various didactic materials, multimedia and computer technology, and interactive teaching methods [1,257].

The development of speech skills requires the successful solution of a number of educational tasks – to teach how to construct a statement logically, to update linguistic means for adequate expression of thoughts, to master impromptu unprepared speech, etc. A huge role in the process of mastering speech skills is given to working on a text, which contributes to solving complex mental problems, in in particular, the ability to defend one’s point of view. Work on the text should include tasks aimed at developing creative thinking, speech-cognitive activity, and involving students in the process of professional communication. The construction of a dialogue and discussion depends on the quality and quantity of information (information from the text) that the speakers have, the ability to mobilize their mental abilities to produce their own information, and the degree of interest of students [4,31]. Working on a text involves pre-text work, reading the text and comments on it, and post-text work.

I. Pre-text work includes the following stages:

1. Working on the meaning of unfamiliar words.

Proclaimed – announced ykrar edilen.

Resources and raw materials – natural reserves tebigy baylyklar, çig mal.

Investor – depositor of money maýa goýujy.

Foreign market – world market daşкy(dünýä) bazary.

2. Subtextual work to expand students’ vocabulary should go simultaneously with the development of practical skills in using grammatical forms in coherent speech and mastering grammatical structure. It must be emphasized that grammar is the starting point in this work. All grammatical forms of connection between words are realized in a sentence.

3. Work on vocabulary also includes:

• work on synonymy and antonymy of words: proclaimed – announced; investor – depositor of money; representative office – office; external market – world market; equal – full-fledged, favourable – convenient, etc.

• word-formation connections of words weight – weigh – weigh. As you know, studying the derivational connections of words speeds up the process of learning a language 15 times;

• word compatibility is where? at (crossroads), has what? (natural resources), went through what? (territory), has what? (transport system), grows what? (wheat, licorice), exports what? (its own products), creates what? (favorable conditions), included where? in (Organization)

4. Work on creating speech models, of course, is impossible without working on the compatibility of words. Determinative, adverbial, objective, predicative relations of words in a phrase, as well as the attitude of the speaker to what is being expressed, are conveyed by the order of words in a sentence, modal auxiliary verbs, particles, introductory words, etc. As a result of the abstracting and generalizing work of human thought, the diverse relationships between phenomena of the real world are reflected in certain types of syntactic meanings [3,67].

II. Reading a text necessarily involves reading new content directly by the teacher and is accompanied by students underlining unfamiliar words. The teacher can explain incomprehensible fragments of text and words, and can ask students to translate them into Turkmen.

III. Post-text work is carried out in stages and includes a number of tasks of both lexical-grammatical and communicative nature:

• Find the present tense verbs in the text and underline them is, occupies, grows, produces, has, exports, creates, enters.

• Build a cluster “Turkmenistan” with these verbs. The cluster can be run using an interactive whiteboard.

• Ask questions to the cluster.

• Retell a piece of text using a cluster.

IV. When conducting post-text work, reproductive exercises are very effective, involving students reproducing acquired knowledge and skills in order to form, consolidate and improve speech skills that involve the manifestation and development of elements of creative activity. These models can be reproduced and used in speech by students, depending on the content of the statement. For example, work on fixing the conjugation and type of verbs in a task may be accompanied by repetition in the answer of the verbs presented in the interrogative sentence [3,7]. The use of speech stereotypes through tasks aimed at producing statements in the form of one independent sentence allows the teacher to conduct language training in the classroom. Speech orientation is ensured by settings for tasks such as: Agree with the interlocutor’s statement; Object to your interlocutor; Express uncertainty, etc.

The ultimate goal of working on a text is to develop in students the ability to construct their own statements of various types and adequately perceive someone else’s statement, ultimately constructing a coherent speech. The development of automated language skills is facilitated by daily practice. Turkmen students deprived of speech practice will not be able to master the language without purposeful work on the grammatical structure of the language, which is acquired not by memorizing the rules, but by painstaking work on constructing and using ready-made speech models. The use of interactive tasks, discussion games and other communicative types of work in English language lessons meets the requirements of the modern learning process. They will help manage and direct students’ mental activity, as well as help consolidate students’ grammatical skills with subsequent use in the communicative process.

Proficiency in professional speech is the highest level in teaching English as the language of a future specialty [2,3]. It presupposes free understanding, use of the terms of the specialty being studied, the ability to independently create, demonstrate speech behavior, develop speech skills, build mini-speeches in the specialty being studied, and participate in dialogue discourses.

The basis of work on the language of the specialty is the use of “worksheets”, thematic and text step-by-step clusters, memory cards, brainstorming techniques, and the creation of mini-dictionaries [5,25]. Translating special text also requires the use of interactive teaching techniques. Here we need normative terminological dictionaries of medium and small volume that are relatively simple in structure. The terminological dictionary must be accessible and understandable to those to whom it is addressed. You can know a language well, a branch of knowledge, and still experience significant difficulties in conveying the content of a special work written in a foreign language.

Successful teaching of the English language to students involves the use of multimedia and computer technologies in English language classes. The goal of professionally-oriented training is to ensure not only the translation of a special text, but also the development of speech communication skills in the professional field. The educational process should be focused, first of all, on developing communication skills in future specialists.

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  3. Баско Н.В. Обсуждаем глобальные проблемы, повторяем грамматику русского языка. – М., 2008.
  4. Использование инновационных технологий в обучении.: Проект USAID. Туркменистан. – А., 2007.
  5. Современные технологии учебного процесса. – М., 2007.

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