Shavelieva Jahan Esenovna1, Gulgeldieva Gulshat Allaberdiyevna2
1Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of English Stylistics and Grammar Department
2Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, teacher of Romano-Germanic Department

Turkmen and English languages ​​appear more effective through means of expressiveness of written and spoken forms, and also provide a great impetus for mutual enrichment of the language. It is the duty of every human being to preserve the language, to achieve its culture and art. The correct use of lexical and grammatical means of speech is a sign of correct observance of language culture.

Keywords: change, language, transformation, translate

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Shavelieva J.E., Gulgeldieva G.A. Lexical and grammatical transformatons in translation from English into Turkmen // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2022. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2022/12/99490

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During the years of independence great changes and rapid progress have been achieved in all spheres of the governmental life of the country. Teaching foreign languages ​​is one of the main tasks so that students, future specialists, are at the forefront of positive experiences in science and technology, are able to grasp the latest technologies, and become internationally qualified professionals who are aware of the most important professional information. [1]

One of the tasks set before the teachers of the higher educational institutions of our country, as well as the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, is to coordinate the theoretical and practical knowledge of future students in the field of English language and literature. In the theory and practice of translation, students learn not to study the different aspects of religious, official texts, but to divide official texts into different stages during the translation process, and on the basis of this, to understand the meaning of the text and be able to keep its original idea. When translating works such as stories, novels, and novellas, the translator must use stylistic tools such as metaphor, epithet, and metonymy appropriately and take a creative approach. A translator must constantly enrich his knowledge by studying official texts, scientific lectures, instructions, manuals, and articles.

In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the translation, it is necessary to take into account certain rules in the structure of the linguistic units performed. [2] When the semantic units of the Turkmen language are translated into the English language, the majority of them are translated without changing the meaning and structure of the original text.

Lexical transformation. Most of the names (proper names, geographical names, etc.) are transcribed or transliterated from source language into the target language. For example: Cronin-Kronin, Newton-Nýuton, AshgabatAşgabat, etc. In some cases, surnames and family names, as well as geographical names, names of associations, corporations, companies, newspapers, and magazines do not always retain their original meaning in the translated language. [4] For example: Charles V- Karl V, Boston Globe and Mail – “Globe and Mail” Boston gazeti, etc. Thus, when titles are translated into another language, their structure often deviates from the original language and takes on different pronunciations, additional information or additions.

Most linguistic units can change the vocabulary in whole or in part according to the requirements of the target language: bachelor – bakalawr, therapist – terapewt lukmany, etc.

Grammatical transformation is a morphological and syntactic change and is divided into the following categories:

Substitution. This transformation has a stylistic basis: the passive level of the verb is often used in ordinary conversation in English. In the Turkmen language, it is often used as an official language. Alternatively, nouns can be either singular or plural. For example: “Agreement was signed a few days ago.” – “Birnäçe gün mundan öň ylalaşyga gol çekildi.

Word order changes in a sentence. As structures or functions of sentences in English and Turkmen languages differ, the order of the word in the sentence often changes. For example, when the sentence “A new scientific conference was held in Ashgabat yesterday”  is translated into Turkmen language as “Düýn Aşgabatda täze ylmy-amaly maslahat geçirildi”, the subject and predicate order of the source language do not coincide with the target language. [3]

Sentence partitioning. A simple sentence in the language of a text is a structural, semantic, and stylistic transformation of compound clauses and subordinate clauses into independent clauses. For example: “My car would not start. Therefore, I could not help you.”“Meniň ulagym otlanman galdy, şonuň üçin men size kömek edip bilmedim”. 

Sentence combining. Two or more sentences form a composite or a compound sentence. For example:  “In ancient Rome, garlic was believed to make people courageous. Roman soldiers therefore ate large quantities of it before a battle”. “Gadymy Rimde sarymsak adamlary edermen edýär diýen çaklamalaryna görä, Rim esgerleri ony uruşdan öňünçä uly möçberde iýipdirler.”

Antonymic translation. This translation can be done with the help of antonyms. For example: “Remember to post the letter” – “Haty ugratmagy ýatdan çykarma.” The main reason for this transformation is that the word “remember” cannot be defined in one word. Similar transformations can occur when we transform the negative form of a sentence. For example: “She is not unworthy of your attention.”“Ol üns berilmäge mynasyp”.

English language uses two negative forms, but according to logical rules it can turn into positive sentence in Turkmen language. In an antonymic translation, the negative form of a sentence can be changed to the positive form or vice versa. [4]

For example: “I don’t think I can do it.” – Men muny başarmaýmasam!”

The tone preserves the speaker’s politeness and humility.

In conclusion, Turkmen and English languages ​​appear more effective through means of expressiveness of written and spoken forms, and also provide a great impetus for mutual enrichment of the language. It is the duty of every human being to preserve the language, to achieve its culture and art. The correct use of lexical and grammatical means of speech is a sign of correct observance of language culture.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Education – happiness, spirituality, prosperity – Ashgabat, 2014.
  2. Misio, E.A. Английский язык основы перевода.-Minsk, 2013.
  3. Jurmenek B. A word about the translation – Ashgabat, 1979.
  4. http://www.linkedin.com.aiiconline

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