Mergenova Yazgul Maksatovna
Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

The problem of dividing Turkish literature into periods according to its characteristics was one of the most difficult problems for literary scholars, because, first of all, collecting the works written throughout the history that can be called literature, finding their authors, if there are any, and reviewing the works. It was necessary to analyze its details, to find out that it has changed in the era, to study the life of poets of the past, and to solve dozens of problems, such as slaves, on a scientific basis. This is a literary heritage that needs to be collected and not told.

Keywords: generation, Literature, respect, Turkish

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Mergenova Y.M. The main problems of periodization of Turkish literature // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2022. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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«The main goal of our young generation should be the love and protection of our Motherland, reception of modern education and study of science and profession» said our Hero Arkadag, who connects the happy future of the fatherland with the young generation of Turkmenistan. Our beloved President creates a lot of conditions for the Turkmen youth to receive a perfect education and manners and to serve our people and our independent Homeland.

Turkmen people have created their unique traditions, unique poems, dessans that are not found in any other people, and in general, all the values ​​related to folklore. It can be clearly seen in Turkish literature, culture and history too.

A linguist should not only know the language he studied, so he should also know the literature, history, culture, politics and economics of that language. In this way, the literature of each country creates the basis of the culture of the people of that country, the history of the country, and the worldview of the people.
The problem of dividing Turkish literature into periods according to its characteristics was one of the most difficult problems for literary scholars, because, first of all, collecting the works written throughout the history that can be called literature, finding their authors, if there are any, and reviewing the works. It was necessary to analyze its details, to find out that it has changed in the era, to study the life of poets of the past, and to solve dozens of problems, such as slaves, on a scientific basis. This is a literary heritage that needs to be collected and not told. Among the scholars who study Turkish literature, there will be different conflicting opinions regarding the division of Turkish literature into periods. In this matter, the literature students put before themselves, first of all, the general and very important question: «Where and when did the history of  Turkish literature  begin?» and as a result of great debates, they came to the conclusion that the beginning of Turkish literature should be traced back to the period of the first writing among the Turkic peoples. Based on the conclusion, Turkish literature is divided into three major periods: Turkish literature of the pre-Islamic era, Turkish literature that was born under the influence of Islam, Turkish literature that developed under the influence of Western European culture, Turkish literature began to be studied. After the history of literature was divided into main periods, the sources related to those periods were collected and studied with the efforts of recent scholars. They were grouped into different groups according to their characteristics, and as a result, major literary periods were also divided into different literatures and literary streams. Scholars who study the history of poetry divide Turkish literature into periods in their division, they gave a great answer to the history of the Turkish nation, to the events that took place in this region, and to the literary movement of the country. The literary scholar Agah Syrry Lewend expresses his opinion on dividing Turkish literature into historical periods: “There is no correct way to do this except by taking the major historical events as the basis. There are mainly two turning points in the history of Turkey. These turning points opened the eyes of Turkish history and marked the beginning of new eras. One of these turning points was the adoption of Islam, and the other was the adoption of Western European civilization. Here, we will divide Turkish literature into periods according to historical turning points.”

The first period of Turkish literature should be mentioned above, it is the Turkish literature of the time. Scholars who study Turkish literature consider this period of literature to be a literature full of unfinished and undiscovered works and literary values. turkish literary tradition is divided into two groups: called written literature.It should be directly related to the folklore of the Turkic peoples who lived in Central (Central) Asia, especially the Turkmens, because all the mentioned literary works can be found in the folklore of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia. all the Turkmens who lived in different regions of Central Asia built great states and created civilizations. The period of Turkish literature called oral literature from the prehistoric period consists of the concentrated literature of the literary organization created by the people in the period when writing had not yet appeared in the songs. , list the words of the ancestors It will include fairy tales, folk tales, narratives, epics, and dozens of similar works. This literary period covers the period from the 1st century BCE to the 4th century AD. The written literature of the Turkish literature of the tenth period from Islam starts from the period of the emergence of writing among the Turks, more precisely, from the 4th century. Although it is believed that writing was used by the Gokturks in the mentioned period, the first important works of written literature appeared in the 5th-6th centuries. Gokturk literary relics, Orkhon-Yenisei, Uyghur literary sources are the main sources and important works of this period.It can be considered as the second period of Turkish literature – the era of Islamic mystery, known as Turkish literature, after the Turks accepted Islam. It is the literature that originated from the foundations of Islam, Arabic literature, and the Islamic philosophy of Islamic literature, which originated from the fields of the VIII century and the beginning of the IX century. Literature is divided into periods called love folk literature.

After the official acceptance of Islam by Satuk Bugra Khan, the ruler of Garahan in 920, this religion began to influence the lives of the Turks. This can be seen in the works written by the poets and writers of that period. The period of Turkish literature under the influence of Islam up to the 13th century is different from the literature of the Central Asian Turkic peoples and Turkmen. In the section called «anonym folk literature» of this period, we mainly talk about folklore, unlike the folklore in pre-Islamic Turkish literature. It is safe to say that TASAVUF literature, or Sufism literature in other words, is the beginning of Anatolian Turkish literature. Because most of the famous writers who have been mentioned as the representatives of this literature grew up in Anatolia and their works are the works that describe the life of the Turkish people living in that land. It is a literature that originates in Anatolia. This literature, mainly aimed at the upper classes of the people, is Sufism (Tekke) folk literature and romantic folk literature, which is distinguished by its fertility – lasted for a century. During this period, famous divan poets such as Hoja Dehkhani, Ahmedi, Nevi, Kazi Burhaneddin Ahmet Pasha grew up under the influence of Islam. The section of Turkish literature called «love folk literature» was created in the XIII-XIV centuries by the efforts of poets in Anatolian villages. This literature, rich in written works, is Karajaoglan. Dadalogly, Katibi had brought dozens of famous poets to the world of literature. This literature, distinguished by the attractiveness, simplicity and clarity of the meaning of their works, has continued in Anatolia until recently.

The third period of Turkish literature is called Turkish literature, which was born under the influence of Western (European) culture In the literature of this period, it is good to see the world of Western, human and French food, literature, and literary currents.

The representatives of Western Turkish literature, which traces their origin (from Tanzimat literature) to the 60s of the 19th century, took a new to their literary creations and completely changed the foundations of Turkish literature. Therefore, this period of Turkish literature is considered to be the period of the revolution. This period of Turkish literature, which was created by the influence of the West and continues today, has its world-famous authors (Namyk Kemal, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yahya Kemal Beyatly, etc.) and their works (“Sung bird”, “Stranger’s daughter” and etc.) During this period, dozens of literary streams and literary proses appeared in Turkish literature

Turkish literature is also distinguished by its richness in literary ideas. Mainly, these literary works, which consist of poems and short stories, had a distinctive character compared to the above-mentioned literary periods. The early periods of Turkish literature are mainly rich in poetry. Even the concepts expressed through narratives in recent times are also expressed through cows. In Turkish literature, all aspects and dimensions of cows can be found. Their meanings are  according to literary periods. If the beliefs of the people at that time were related to their lifestyles, the poems written after the adoption of Islam were written in a way that was completely dependent on the principles of Islam. After all, the influence of Arabic and Persian poetry can be seen in the poems of this period. In Turkish poetry, qasidas, ghazals, masnavis, nubags, sarkirs, and poems are the most common forms of poetry, while the narrative form is most common in Turkish literature, which is unique in Western culture. In the literary views of this period, the mystery of European literary forms can be felt.

  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Knowledge is Happiness, inspiration, successful. Ashgabat, 2014.
  2. Agah Sirri Levend. The history of Turkish literature. Ankara 1973. I volume.
  3. Ahmet Kabakli. Turkish literature I, II, III volumes. Istanbul 2011
  4. Nevzat Koseoglu, Feridun Alper. Emin Alper. Turkey Turkish literature. Ankara 2003

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