İslamova Aytan Ramiz
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
laboratory assistant

Today it becomes more and more obvious that the quality of life of the population of different regions of the country largely depends on the state of the environment. Consequently, the management of the quality of the environment indirectly entails the management of the quality of human life. Under such conditions, the introduction of quality management systems and environmental management systems is gradually becoming profitable from an economic point of view.

Keywords: environment, industry, innovations, pollution, soil

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
İslamova A.R. Environmental innovations at industrial enterprises as a factor of achieving a balanced development of society // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2022. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2022/10/98930

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Over the past decades, the relationship between society and the environment has become more and more aggravated, becoming a real threat of a global environmental catastrophe. To prevent global and local environmental crises, it is necessary to change the technogenic type of development to a sustainable one. This type of development makes it possible to meet the modern needs of society, but does not jeopardize the ability of future generations to meet their own needs [1].

Despite the huge number of controversial issues, the concept of sustainable development has already received wide recognition both in economic science and in international practice. An important aspect of transformations in the context of the transition to sustainable environmentally sound development is the introduction of environmental innovations for the development and expansion of the domestic market for environmentally friendly goods and services. The production and sale of environmental goods and competitiveness largely depend on public opinion. Such public organizations as ANO Ecoline, the World Wildlife Fund, the Guild of Ecologists, Greenpeace, the Green Cross, the Green Front, the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature, etc. are well known. One of their activities is the formation of public opinion on the impact of industry on the environment.

Today, entering the international market, every industrial enterprise seeks to demonstrate the environmental safety of its production and its products. To this end, organizations form their eco-image through various promotions, sponsorship, press releases and information materials about their activities, open reporting, press conferences, presentations, etc.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that private enterprises are the most sensitive and actively respond to the requirements and changes in demand in the market of environmental goods, since they are independently responsible for their economic situation [2].

However, we must not forget that for any enterprise, one of the most important factors in the efficiency of activity is the increase in economic indicators, or at least their stable state, and this is possible only with balanced development.

Consequently, there is a relationship between sustainable, environmentally friendly and balanced development of both individual enterprises and society as a whole.

Research is being carried out in order to find new, more efficient and improved models of the balanced development of society, which will make it possible to reduce the burden on the natural environment and will improve the indicators of both the economic well-being of enterprises and the sustainable development of the whole society as a whole.

The term “eco-innovation” is used in modern scientific literature relatively recently. Studies of the essence of environmental innovations were carried out by many domestic and foreign scientists and scientists, such as K. Fasler, P. James, A. Reid, M. Midzinski, R. Kemp, T. Foxon, O. Prokopenko, N. Andreeva, E. Martynyuk , D. Chervanev, L. Neikova, I. Afonin and others [3].

However, today scientists have not formulated a single and unambiguous idea regarding the essence of the concept of eco-innovation, therefore, its further study and improvement is necessary.

In the world literature, the concept of “eco-innovation” first appeared in 1996 in the book “DrivingEco – Innovation: A Breakthrough Discipline for Innovation and Sustainability” by Claude Fasler and Peter James, in the following form: eco-innovations are products and processes that contribute to sustainable development [ four]. In his article, P. James defines eco-innovations as “new products and processes that provide the business interests of enterprises, but significantly reduce the impact on the environment” [5].

The Danish government in the book “Promoting Eco – efficient Technology – The Roadto a Better Environment” defines eco-innovation as innovation that leads to environmentally efficient technologies. In this definition, efficient ecotechnology refers to all technologies that directly or indirectly improve the state of the environment. It includes technologies to limit pollution, cleaner products and manufacturing processes, more efficient resource management, and technology systems to reduce environmental impact, although reducing environmental impact need not be the primary goal of environmentally efficient technologies.

A deep theoretical study of the essence of the category of environmental innovations is given by N.M. Andreeva. The researcher determines the basic categories of the theory of innovation, in particular the ratio of the categories “innovation – innovation – innovation”. Innovation is considered as the production of a new one, the category “innovation” is interpreted as a “new model”, and “innovation” as a production development.

Like any other change, eco-innovation has its own driving and restraining forces. Under the conditions of ecological globalization, society becomes more sensitive to issues of preserving the quality of the environment, therefore, it can be hoped that public interest, the process of rethinking values, the legal and regulatory environment will create the appropriate ground for the accelerated deployment of processes for taking into account environmental restrictions in all spheres of public life [6].

The rapid growth of expenditures for the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters will make it necessary to change the reactive environmental policy to a preventive, and therefore proactive one at all levels of its implementation.

As for the global market as a whole, here the segment of environmental technologies represents about 1,000 billion euros per year and is already an important factor in the development of the global economy today. 45% of this segment is occupied by technological solutions in the energy saving industry. The economic growth of the environmental technology market segment is about 5.4% per year and, according to experts, by 2020 it will reach 2200 billion euros per year [7].

  1. Reymers N. F. Ekologizatsiya. Vvedenie v ekologicheskuyu problematiku. Moscow: Izdvo ROU, 2004. 255 p.
  2. Losev A. V., Provadkin G. G. Sotsialnaya ekologiya. Moscow, 2018. 312 p.
  3. Malofeev V. I. Sotsialnaya ekologiya: ucheb. posobie. Moscow, 2002. 260 p.
  4. Boguslavskaya T. N. Osnovnye podkhody i napravleniya otsenki kachestva sovremennogo doshkolnogo obrazovaniya. Detskiy sad: teoriya i praktika. 2016, No. 10,pp. 16–27.
  5. Boguslavskaya T. N. Osushchestvlenie preemstvennosti doshkolnogo obrazovaniya i nachalnoy shkoly v otechestvennoy pedagogike XXI veka. Doshkolnik. Metodika i praktika vospitaniya i obucheniya. 2012, No. 5, pp. 4–7.
  6. Boguslavskiy M. V. Sovremennaya strategiya modernizatsii rossiyskogo obrazovaniya: istoriko-pedagogicheskiy kontekst. Izv. Volgogradskogo gos. ped. un-ta. 2014, No. 6(91), pp. 43–47.
  7. Pluzhnikova E. A. Modelirovanie protsessa formirovaniya nauchnogo mirovozzreniya shkolnikov. Vestn. Adygeyskogo gos. un-ta. Ser. 3: Pedagogika i psikhologiya. 2010, No. 3, pp. 53–59.

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