Vilisova Anna Sergeevna
Ural State University of Economics

The article deals with the concepts: "Security", "Risks", "Threats" and "Economic security". Classification of risks and threats to economic security is also given.

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Vilisova A.S. The concept and classification of risks and threats to economic security // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Security is a multifaceted concept. As security issues are studied from different perspectives. This is due to the fact that the danger can be of different nature and arise in society, in nature, in the information sphere, in the military field, etc [2, p. 9].

Security can be considered two sides [4, p. 6,7]:

first, the concept of security is revealed through the danger, because the first is essentially the opposite of the second: the safety of the opposite danger, and takes place only in its absence. However, there is no complete security in the fact that there is no status object with a complete lack of danger;

secondly, the concept of security is seen as created by humans a special mechanism of forming the state of a particular object, allowing to control, to anticipate, to avert threats to the object and to control, neutralize and minimize the risks arising in connection with the implementation of these threats.

Also the concept of “security” is disclosed in the regulations.

Safety is the state of protection of vital interests of person, society and state from internal and external threats [1].

This definition is presented in the become invalid Federal law from 05.03.1992 g. № 2446 – I “On bezopasnosti”. In the new current Federal law of 28.12.2010 № 390-FZ “On security” the definition of the concept of “security” is missing.

In turn to the vital interests include the totality of needs, the satisfaction of which reliably ensures the existence and possibility of progressive development of personality, society and state [5, p. 7].

The distinguishing security feature of almost all concepts is its description through the concept of “threat”.

The threat from the point of view of security is a combination of factors and conditions that contribute to the implementation of hazard for a particular object at a certain moment or interval of time [5, p. 9].

In security, there is another concept associated with danger and threat-risk.

Under the security risk, you should understand the material or financial damages during the implementation of various kinds of threats of dangers which are probable in nature [5, p. 12].

There are many kinds of dangers and threats [4, p. 12]:

- against property physical or legal persons of the state;

against life and health;

- against the constitutional rights and freedoms, honor and dignity of man and citizen;

- in the sphere of economic activity;

- in the sphere of computer information, etc.

Many types of dangers and threats cause many types of security: economic, political, informational, etc.

The concept of “economic security” is relatively new in economic theory and management theory. As is well known in the practice of management structures in Western countries it allows a very broad interpretation [3, p. 21].

Economic security – synthetic category of political economy and political science, the closely related categories of “economic independence and dependence, stability, and vulnerability, economic pressure”, “blackmail,” “coercion and aggression”, “economic sovereignty,” etc. [3, p. 21].

The following table 1, reflecting different interpretations of the concept of “Economic security” the most famous Russian scientists.

Table 1 – interpretation of the concept “Economic security” of the Russian scientists [3, p. 22, 23].

The authors of the concept of

Abalkin L. I. Economic security of Russia // Socio-political magazine. 1997. No. 5. C. 3 Economic security is the state of the economic system that allows it to develop dynamically, effectively and to solve social problems and in which the state has an opportunity to develop and implement independent economic policies.

Economic security of Russia: General course: the textbook / under the editorship of V. K. Senchagov. M., 2010. P. 48 Economic security is the state of the economy and institutions of power, in which is provided the guaranteed protection of national interests, social orientation of its policies, sufficient defense capabilities even in unfavorable conditions for the development of internal and external processes.

Rubanov V. Safety slogans, the theory and political practice // REZH. 1991. No. 17. Page 31 Economic security is the ability of the national economy to ensure the welfare of the nation and the stability of the internal market, regardless of the action of external factors.

Tambovtsev, V. L. Economic security of the economic systems: structure, problems, Vestn. MSU. Ser. 6. Economy. 1995. No. 3. C. 3 Under the economic security of a system you need to understand “the totality of properties of the state of its production subsystem, providing the ability to achieve the goals of the whole system.”

Economic security on any of its levels is the system of relations between society, state and business entities. Consequently, security at the international level is closely linked to security at the national, regional and microeconomic levels. The source of this unity is the similar nature of the processes influencing the different levels of economic security.

The reasons for the emergence and development of crisis situations caused by threats to economic security, may become various factors of destabilization. Since the strategic goal of economic security is sustainable development, which in the most common aspect combines three main dimensions (economic, social and environmental), it is advisable to offer the appropriate classification of risks and threats. In this regard, the risks and threats to economic security can be divided into three modules (threats and risks of economic, social and environmental).

The threats and risks of an economic nature include: the resource and technical risks, market risks and financial risks. The threats and risks of a social nature include: social risks, legal risks and administrative – political. The threats and risks to the ecological character include: environmental risks of natural, anthropogenic and man-made environmental risks.

It is noteworthy that, as a rule, the researchers in their works focus on single aspects of the research evaluation of risks and threats.

Classification of risks and threats to economic security:

1) Threats and risks of economic character:

Resource and technical risks: ageing logistical and technological base, the destruction of industrial capacity, minimize research and development, the breakup of the research teams, a reduction in training scientific and technical staff, unstable resources, increased dependence on raw materials.

-Market risks and the change of the market conjuncture, loss of markets, weakening the market position compared to competitors, the loss of competitiveness and competitive advantages, increased monopolization of the market.

-Financial risks: breach of financial status, loss of pay, reduction in financial liquidity, increased leverage, reduced financial stability.

2) Threats and risks of a social nature:

-Social risks: the deterioration of the social environment, weakening of work motivation, decline in living standards, increase in social conflicts.

-Regulatory risk: criminalization of the economy, the growth of economic crime, the reduction of legal protection, changes in the regulatory framework.

Administrative-political risks: a change in institutional conditions and guarantees for economic activity, the deterioration of the political situation, a change of leadership and economic policies.

3) Threats and risks of an environmental nature:

Natural environmental risks: climate change, the imbalance of natural systems, natural disasters.

-Anthropogenic and technogenic environmental risks: deterioration of the natural environment and pollution of the biosphere, accidents and disasters of anthropogenic and technogenic character, changing environmental standards and sanitary norms and rules.

However, any risks and threats can come from external environment and to have internal origin.

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