Shubina Kristina Nikolaevna1, Pyatiletovа Lyudmila Vladimirovna2
1Ural State University of Railway Transport, student
2Ural State University of Railway Transport, candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the chair of Philosophy and History

The cult of the female body becomes a visual topical social practice of modern sophisticated sexism: the imperceptible transformation of a woman's body into a beautiful, erotic-packed product, leads to a "dislodgement" of the soul. The body is now the main object of the woman's attention. Thus, the subjectivity of a woman, the opportunity to be an actor of social interaction, is transformed - through active care for a pseudo-soul (body) - into a socially acceptable, sexist society, a prestigious, popular way of female existence, extracting a woman from the context of reflection on the metaphysics of social practices of modern sexism and counteracting it.

Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Article reference:
Cult female body as a refined sexism // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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