Sabanov Zaurbek Mikhailovich
North-Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
candidate of sociological Sciences, associate Professor, of the Department of social welfare and management

The article is devoted to the main directions of economic activity in the sphere of social protection of the population. It examines the key provisions ensuring the cost-effectiveness of the Institute for social protection of the population, within a market system with a predominance of private property and with some of the regulatory role of the State. An important point of the article is a section that describes the need for public participation in socio-economic support for the population as control functions, and direct financial and economic activities. The incorporation of non-profit community organizations increases the efficiency of social protection of the population in a society with a market economy, which is dictated by the laws of the market stems from his essence and cause the formation of a system of social protection as a specialized, multifaceted public Institute. In the present article shall be justified in the expectation that social protection is one of the main elements of the social-economic adaptation of socially unprotected citizens. This process is based primarily on the basis of the effective implementation of the social policy and social mechanisms stipulated by current legislation. In this article we would like to tell about these mechanisms and their specific tasks to achieve the greatest economic efficiency in the activities of the Institute for social protection of the population in conditions of market economy.

Keywords: economic efficiency, social and home adaptation, social integration, social protection of the population, social-economic support, standard of living, the constraints of life

Category: 22.00.00 Sociology

Article reference:
Basic directions, forms and types of economic activity in the sphere of social protection of population // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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