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Platonov Ivan Aleksandrovich
Financial University under the Government of RUssian Federation
4th year student of the Faculty of International Economic Studies
Financial University under the Government of RUssian Federation
4th year student of the Faculty of International Economic Studies
In this paper the author presents the comprehensive analysis of the current economic situation in the People's Republic of China. The paper is devoted to the role of urbanization process in the aggregate economic growth and large social changes in the PRC; Key characteristics of the processes mentioned are determined and described by using of different statistical tools. Investigation considers main features of urbanization in China, causality of urban population growth, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Chinese economic system, authenticity of certain regions and cities.
Special attention is paid here to the role of technological progress, development of transport, communication systems and other modern tendencies. Demographic issues including consequences of «one-child policy» and «the trap of hukou» were dissected as well. Author introduced the new concept of “clustering of poverty”.
The author came to conclusions about general conditions and particular cases of the modern economic system in China, detailed expectations and forecasted some indicators of high analytical importance.
Keywords: China's economy, clustering of poverty, commuting, internal migration, migration, new normal, population policy, push-pull migration, urbanization
Category: 08.00.00 Economics
Article reference:
The role of urbanization in Chinese economy, challenges and achievements // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 4 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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