Parfirova Alyona Alekseevna1, Kryukova Anastasia Aleksandrovna2
1Povolzhsky state university of telecommunications and informatics, student
2Povolzhsky state university of telecommunications and informatics, PhD in Economic Science, Assistant Professor of electronic commerce

It is difficult to revaluate influence of technologies on our life. Even more often people face a concept of the Internet of things as the modern developing technology. She assumes not just interrelation of billions of devices in one network as once the Internet united all computers, and fundamental rethinking of how the companies do business, in a new way bringing additional benefit as to herself, and the client. In case of the correct approach, use of the concept of Internet of Things becomes real competitive advantage of any organization. The conclusion that despite the existing difficulties and barriers on the way, the Internet of things will successfully develop and in the future is drawn, becoming fundamentals of new economy.

Keywords: business, clever things, Internet of things, technologies

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
The Internet of things in the modern world // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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