Orlov Еvgeny Sergeevich1, Pyatiletovа Lyudmila Vladimirovna2
1Ural State University of Railway Transport, student
2Ural State University of Railway Transport, candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor at the chair of Philosophy and History

The problem of loneliness is one of the most important philosopher of the XYZ anthropology as loneliness Phenomenology helps dis-cover the key issue of philosophical anthropology - the question of the essence of Che rights. Modern Russian society is acutely worrying era Bezden-ness (M. Buber), can not offer a man "ready recipes" neodymium-nokogo being, so knowledge of the philosophical concepts of loneliness can be a serious help on the way individual search smyslozhiz-United landmarks.

Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Article reference:
Lonely man: problematization of human existence // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2017. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2017/02/78104

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