Grebenyuk Pavel Evgenyevich1, Chmutin Aleksey Mikhailovich2
1Volgograd State University, post-graduate student of the court expertise department
2Volgograd State University, PhD, associate professor of the information systems and computer simulation department

The essence, structure and attributes of graphic contrast are considered. Physically reasonable classification of its components is resulted. Mathematical definition of hue is entered into consideration; the concept of hue contrast is graphically defined. On an example executed by means of Photoshop software package, it is shown that hue shift, without influencing on hue contrast, sporadically changes brightness contrast of the image. The comparative efficiency analysis of brightness contrast variation by method of hue shift and by method of brightness-contrast transform is carried out. The way for hue contrast variation is proposed and the actual sphere of its applications is designated.

Keywords: brightness contrast, contrast control mechanisms, contrasts, expert applications, graphic information analysis, hue, hue shift

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
Hue shift and brightness contrast: Photoshop paradoxes // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 8 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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