Plotnikov Konstantin Yuryevich1, Galchenko Mariia Timurovna2
1Center of education (the secondary school) No. 47, Irkutsk, PhD in Pedagogic sciences, "Maestro academic” World Folklore Academy, teacher of music
2Irkutsk State Medical University of the Russian Federation Ministry of Health, PhD in medical science, assistant of the Department of Otolaryngology

In the context of: the orientation of Russian education for the integrity of the general and additional components, training and education (a); the dissemination of information and communication technologies (b), – contradictions arise between the prospects and risks of using music for the recovery of schoolchildren in the children's summer camp. Pedagogical solution represented as the creation of musical improving the educational environment. The content of its components, the argument is.

Keywords: children's summer camp, educational heals musical environment, music, Musical and Computer Technologies (MCT), pedagogical model and its components, recovery.

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
The model “Educational heals musical environment” for children's summer camp // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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We understand “the preservation and promotion of health” (which agree to denote the term “recovery” as the problem of the study) in relation to the students as a psychological and pedagogical problem, not just a medical problem. It is solved by means of: establishing a special, pedagogically organized, in our case – the musical (L.I. Ukolova [1, p. 4]) – the educational environment (a) and the Organization of pedagogical support in its conditions (b).

“Targeted and pedagogically adapted inclusion of the child in the process aimed at the assimilation of the values ​​of health and healthy lifestyle <…>” (N.F. Petrova [2, p. 8]) is a function of such an environment.

The peculiarity of this environment of the environment we shall call it “educational heals musical environment”) is in its functioning in terms of high-tech information educational environment (T.N. Noskova [3, p. 45– 46]).

Processes that are associated with the subject (rehabilitation, where the music is the main important factor) and the object (the music, see I.) Study, observed in the metasystem, which includes the systems: “Education”, “Informatization of Society”, “Man and music”. Given this fact, our research methodology is based on the use of humanitarian and holistic approach in pedagogical research (N.M. Borytko), is based on a system-activity approach (because we see the recovery process through the activities in which the student is involved) to understanding the essence of the considered phenomena and processes.

The pedagogical model ”Educational heals musical environment” includes components:

- Object-subject and subject-subject relationship (I: see I-1, I-2).

- Organizational conditions (II);

- Goal-setting activities (III);

- The content that fills this Wednesday (IV);

- Used in the activity of software and hardware (which is characteristic of the modern information society; V);

- Generated by operating (in terms of the use of ICT) and other competences related to student recovery goals using music (VI).

(I-1) Schoolboy is the subject organized by the educational environment.

Another of its subject – an adult (teacher), which provides child support: the musical worker, educator, counselor (I-1-a), informally – the same age (and sometimes – more adult student), who has the authority of a child (I-1-b), can perform the role of an adult.

(I-2) Music (cm. IV) is provided as the object educational environment.

Object-subject relations in the recovery arise when “meeting” of music and relax in the student camp.

The subject-subject relationship (relations student and adult or authoritative peer) is an attribute for the functioning of the educational environment in a children’s summer camp.

(II) The represented article considers the impact of music on student health, which is located in a children’s summer camp. Organizational conditions include originality and benefits of children’s summer camp that is presented include originality and benefits of children’s summer camp that is presented:

- Clock 2-3-week stay in an environment of their peers (see II-1.);

- The presence of additional (compared with the period of studies at the school) opportunities for the disclosure of their own abilities, to select forms of activity that meets their interests and needs [4, p. 259]. So, V.A. Volgunov notes in terms of children’s summer camps: “various kinds of leisure and health activities for children (a) and various forms of educational activities (b)” [5, p. 88] (see. II-2).

(II-1) Clock brings clear benefits not only for the organization of the educational environment, but also leads to certain risks in the recovery direction.

Risks and benefits are based on the length of time during which the student is able to communicate with the music:

- Choosing their own work and, most of all, using headphones; see. “Conclusions”: p. 3: pp. 1);

- Agreeing with the choice of other people – being in space sound of a song or play by participating in the work related to music (singing, dancing, drama theater, playing the instrument), and others.

We recommend (based on experience: own 30-year experience in teaching, and that gleaned from colleagues) a three-minute length for works (or fragments) as the basis of the music which is broadcast in a children’s summer camp. Thus, the use of three-minute examples of experiments to study the effect of different styles of music [5, p. 88] reflects the overwhelming presence of the frequency of music in this time range (2.5-3.5 minutes) and is consistent with our recommendation extent musical fragments.

(II-2) We list among the main organizational forms (and standing behind them content) that characterize the educational heals musical environment:

- Broadcasted on the camp, relaxing and toning background music helps to relieve different voltage (i);

- Disco dance music and sporting events, etc., capable of eliminating physical inactivity (ii);.

- Personally listened to music as a leisure recreating the most comfortable environment for himself to (iii).

Note that the sports and recreation (athletic exercises, training in sports clubs, a variety of sporting events, etc.) area at the appropriate position in the children’s summer camp, but is not able to replace the effect of the “Educational heals musical environment”.

We can summarize that the relevance of music for consideration as a factor in school improvement in the conditions of the children’s summer camp is as follows:

- Its (the music; see IV; together with the opportunities and risks when using musical computer technologies; further – MCT (I.B. Gorbunova [6, p. 123, 137]) (see V) educational potential (A);

- The need to resolve the contradiction between the educational opportunities of the system {children’s summer camp + music + MKT} (i), and – between the needs of children (and parents with their vision about the educational promotions of their own child) (ii) and the level of the actual implementation of the marked (see IV) capacities (iii) (B);

- The need to resolve the contradiction between low (due to insufficient and, in our opinion, research of this issue; iv) educational performance (even destructive influence) with the spontaneous method for the development of musical culture with ICB (v) and potential (see IV) Creativity, spirituality, aesthetics, which is enclosed in the music (vi) [7, p. 140] (C).

(III) Goal setting or installation on the recovery using the music is key (as goal-setting, as a whole, for the processes of training and education) to student inclusion in the process, which in terms of pedagogy is, first of all, in the understanding and adoption of a child:

- Set of values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude to life;

- Responsibility for their own health, for self-realization, etc .;

- understanding of the relationship between the music that surrounds the student and his psychophysiological state.

The complexity of goal-setting is the following contradiction:

- On the one hand, the educational (including health; see IV) potential of the music allows you to use it for healing;

- On the other hand, not only children, but adults are more accustomed to understand and use music as entertainment, as a kind of background sound (that only partially reflects the wider recovery function);

- On the one hand, an adult should foster in children the respective competences of artistic taste, etc. (see VI);

- On the other hand, as shown by observations (A.E. Krause et al. [8]), the music that people are losing on their own gadgets, often causes a positive reaction that, to some extent, limits the same opportunities when broadcast on public channels (although we observe, we can not forget the factor of mutual emotional charged in a team).

(IV) The content of educational heals musical environment composed:

- a) of the music that sounds in the children’s summer camp in context recreational student activities;

- b) in the context of the – of the importance that a certain event has a specific personality (for example: the feeling of psychological comfort or discomfort in a certain company, team victory or failure, meeting or parting with a friend, and others).

Music is one of the recovery factors, as a whole – the person, in particular (stated in terms – in a children’s summer camp), – the student.

We explain this position as follows:

- Health (in terms of pedagogy) – this is a hierarchical set of integrated components: psycho-mental (psycho-moral, mental), social, physical health (see IV-1);

- Music can have an impact on all of these manifestations (components) health [9, p. 18] (IV-2: IV-cm 2-a, IV-b-2, IV-2 in, IV-g-2.);

- On the one hand, the wide availability of music, on the other hand, are a consequence of the educational risks (educational support that can eliminate, and should do it) distribution (due to the availability of this) of modern (region “music” is presented MCT; see VI) information technology (IV-3; see V).

(IV-1) Each component of the array is important, but because of the fact that the emotional and mental health of a human is actually a person, it is higher in the hierarchy.

(IV-2) Influence exerted music per person (student), in general, ambiguous, adding up of positive and negative effects, sometimes – with a common logic, sometimes – very individual.

(IV-2-a) S. Hallam summarizes the facts of positive effects (exerted by the music at her audition and performed) in respect of physical and mental health:

- “Music seems to elicit emotions and change moods through its stimulation of the autonomic nervous system. Bodily responses related to emotion include changes in dopamine, serotonin, cortisol, endorphin, and oxytocin levels <…>;

- Perceived benefits include physical relaxation and release of physical tension; emotional release and reduction of feelings of stress; a sense of happiness, positive mood <…> stimulation of cognitive capacities –  attention, concentration, memory and learning.”

At the same time S. Hallam makes the assumption, and we confirm on long-term (1986 to present) observations carried out on the basis of camp (children’s health camp “Baikal”) argue: all of the above advantages, marked at adult audiences, there are, in one way or another and during the period of study in secondary (primary) school.

(IV-2-b) We found that:

- Singing combines physical and mental-emotional processes, singing is ontological bridge between these manifestations of human nature;

- Consequently, education can and should use the potential of singing for the development of the adolescent self-confidence (as a basis for mental and physical health);

- We see the benefits of the proposed approach as a mechanism of sublimation that arises from an individual at the time of self-presentation (by singing) and switches to the emotional background, create an image of the vocal works [11, p. 166].

(IV-2-c) It was noted (I.A. Korsakova [12, p. 95]) that the original motion, which is a spontaneous reaction to the music, go into micro-movements and micro-gestures, and later – are offset and converted to an internal plane. During (emotionally colored) the performance or listening to music (in the process: singing, playing an instrument, plastic intonation), they appear as facial expressions, gestures, pantomime and others. Experts (vocal teachers, conductors, choreographers and others) ascertain in such cases, the release of the physical terminals.

(IV-g-2) We have shown [13, p. 107] that the optimal organization of life plans and personal fulfillment in the creation (here we are among and study, and rest, and others), according to existential psychology, are mutually correlated with a healthy and positive atmosphere of the society in which a person is.

(V = IV-3) We found that the software and hardware for communication of our contemporary (including schoolchildren) music (consequently, by educational heals musical environment) is represented through MCT.

These technologies are directly or potentially represented the overwhelming number (> 90%), students (from 9 to 14 years old) on a personal electronic gadgets – a smartphone or a laptop [14, p. 274].

Our research about the implementation of individual educational routes with the help of MCT [15, p. 158] has shown that:

- Among organizational forms for the use of technology are not only “lesson”, but “extracurricular activities” and “leisure activities” with the use of personal mobile devices (this confirms what we have pointed out earlier – see II-b-iii.);

- Music acts as a creation, drawing on experiences synesthesia (i); as an activity that is based on the 3-sensor systems – hearing, sight and touch (this fact, on the one hand, there is a basis for the content of music and educational heals musical environment, see IV-2; on the other hand, we accept. it into account when considering the operational base music and educational heals musical environment, see VI).

(VI) Musical creativity and education using the MKT is interpreted by us as a trinity of activities: artistic (1), (self-)educational (2), (self-)training (3) [16, p. 118]. This contributes to the integrity of:

- a more natural and informal student entry into the world of musical art (creativity), musical culture, musical language and musical communication (see VI-2) (a).

- as follows from paragraph “a” – the most meaningful and useful for their health immersion in music and recreational environment (b).

The educational heals musical environment as scope polysystem able to provide such a fruitful impact on the student, how in fact formed of competencies:

- technological – in relation to MCT (VI-1);

- cultural – in respect of the variety of music manifestations: its different genres, styles, trends, traditions (VI-2);

- health-saving competencies – in respect of health-conserving activities (for example, by I.R. Kurzhonkova [17, p. 229–230.]), Including the use of music to (VI-3).

(VI-1) We have identified: the use of MCT has a number of advantages that are meaningful and for formation competencies, and for functioning of the educational heals musical environment:

- The ability to go to the “self-learning” mode and “self-education”;

- Dignity digital form for storage of information, for to work with her;

- Minimizing of the technological and psychological barriers for the user;

- The possibility of the student (or adult whom he trusts) to carry out a reflection of the work performed [18, p. 55, 62–63]).

Ability to work on the algorithm [19, p. 105–108] is another advantage of the MCT.

(VI-2) We attribute the success of the formation of cultural competency with questions: student musical horizons (b) artistic repertoire as an example of ideas about music (a).

(VI-2-a) We have found that the effectiveness of music education (This causes, and to educational advancement in other fields of knowledge and creativity, and to effective recovery based the music) depends on the implementation of the innovative capacity of the artistic repertoire [20, p. 229].

(VI-2-b) Analyzing the results of several studies and his own experience with younger students and young people, we advocate the fullest possible variety of music to which the student with a healthy nervous system, please contact:

- Genres (instrumental and vocal, ballad, play, rhyme, potpourri, etc.);

- Musical styles (folk, classical, jazz, rock).

In this series we relate the rock-music, that does not lead to negative consequences in the physical condition and psyche in a balanced (with other directions the music) her audition (Ju. Kneer et al. [21], L.I. Alyoshina et al. [22, p. 59]). For example, the hits of rock music: “Maybe I, maybe you” (“Scorpions”), “Smoke on the water” (“Deep Purple”), “Kukushka” / “Cuckoo” (“Kino”) and etc. – are worthy works (on the content of the music and poetic text) that are necessary for adolescent experiences emotional state, can be a kind of “charge” for the nervous system of the student.

In summary, we present the following conclusions:

1. Improvement of student music in children’s summer camp is an urgent problem to be solved through: the creation of the educational heals musical environment (a) and the mechanism of pedagogical support (b).

2. Pedagogical model “Educational heals musical environment” includes components: relationships in the system {Subject (student) – object (music) – the subject (another student or adult)}; organizational conditions, what typical of children’s summer camps; goal setting on the healing process with the music; the music as the substantive content of this environment; technology as the software and hardware for the recovery process; operational (technical), cultural & health-saving competencies, formed in this process.

3. Challenges facing teachers (due to the popularity of the smartphone for listening to music):

- Monitoring compliance with the rules of children using headphones;

- Discreet and pedagogically responsible influence on the repertoire of music performed and listened;

- Ensure that broadcasting music (located across the camp loudspeakers) worthy of artistic and technical quality.

4. Art repertoire of music is playing in the children’s summer camp, special needs constant attention in carrying out recreational activities. The question of artistic repertoire requires a separate additional study.

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