Pavlenko Veronika Gennadievna
Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute
Candidate of Philological Science, Senior lecturer at the Chair of foreign languages

The article deals with the phraseological units representing the concept “thinking” in the English language. The concept “thinking” being a linguocultural universal relates to the categories that form the basis of any linguistic consciousness. The material for the research is the English phraseological units which represent the concept “thinking” received by the method of continuous sampling from bilingual and explanatory dictionaries. The phraseological units (PU) of the concept “thinking” are in the framework of the cognitive approach studied. They reflect the culture of the people, their lifestyle, history, traditions and mentality, a specific world-view and understanding of the world. The purpose of this article is to reveal the universal characteristics and national and cultural peculiarities of phraseological units of the concept “thinking” in the English language. It is argued that phraseological units (PU) have cultural differences in each language. It is told, that phraseological units (PU) of the concept “thinking” represent standard stereotypes of the thinking process, fixed in the culture of the English people. The phraseological units as a communicative and non-communicative nature are in the article presented. The author comes to the conclusion that the phraseological units of a communicative nature reflect the mentality of the social environment. They have the didactic function demonstrating a system of values and public morality, the culture of the English ethnic group.

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Phraseological representation of the concept “thinking”in the English language // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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