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Vylegzhanina Anastasia Olegovna
Tyumen State University
candidate of economic science, docent, associate professor at the chair of math methods, information technologies and management systems in economy
Tyumen State University
candidate of economic science, docent, associate professor at the chair of math methods, information technologies and management systems in economy
Successful realization of the Arctic strategic development program depends a lot on social-psychological atmosphere in the Arctic zone, in particular – on the extent of a social involvement of the local people into the social-economic development and on their possibilities of the constructive influence on these processes. This research contains analysis of social activeness at the Arctic territories, using data of web platform “Russian Social Initiative” (ROI). It is aimed to defining a social input of arctic inhabitants in generating social initiatives and to identifying a level and specifics of their social activeness. Initial hypothesis about a drastically low level of social activeness of arctic inhabitants was partially refuted. Low population density in circumpolar zone stipulates very little social input of the arctic inhabitants in social modernization on the local, regional and national level, at the same time, level of a social activeness of arctic regions’ citizens is much higher than average national one at the ROI. New technologies of internet communications considerably decline an influence of “remoteness” and “low population density” factors, providing opportunities of maximum social involvement in any area. Nevertheless, level of a national social activeness, including Arctic territories, remains insufficient for sustainable development through collaboration between different social groups in the aims of common social modernization. Results of this research can be applied in social and government sphere for refining instruments of collaborative social-economic development, for creating and implementing social programs, which increase the level of social activeness in the Arctic, and for improving internet techniques of social cooperation.
Keywords: civil responsibility, Russian Arctic, Russian social initiative, social activeness, social input
Category: 22.00.00 Sociology
Article reference:
Social innovative activeness in russian arctic on example of web portal russian social initiative // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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