Komissarov Ilya Pavlovich1, Guseva Elena Nikolaevna2
1Magnitogorsk State Technical University theem I.G.Nosov, student
2Magnitogorsk State Technical University theem I.G.Nosov, PhD, Assistant Professor of the pedagogical sciense

This article discusses the use of automated trading systems in the field of trading. The analysis of the factors leading to a negative financial result of trade with the help of automated trading systems. The article presents the process and results of the development of techniques for the creation and launch of automatic trading systems. To identify bottlenecks organization, the author conducted analysis of business processes of the company, the SWOT-analysis and competitor analysis. A comparative analysis of Russia's leading software in the field of algorithmic trading can reasonably come to the choice of a platform to create and run automated trading systems. The article outlines the basic steps of the process of creating and running automated trading systems and testing performed on real cash. A project for the creation and launch of automated trading systems and produced records for its implementation costs.

Keywords: algorithmic trading, automatic trading systems, business process analysis, creation of automated trading systems, information technology, information technology in stock trading, launch of automated trading systems, project management

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Development project of creation and launch of automatic trading systems // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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