Kochnоva Ksenia Aleksandrovna
Nizhny Novgorod state agricultural Academy
candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor of history and culture

In article the art and speech system of A. P. Chekhov is investigated, specifics of the individual atti-tude realized in the writer's language come to light. The words designating color take an important place in its language system. At creation of an image of night the greatest representativeness lexemes of black and white flowers possess. They are characterized by the biggest rate and difficult semantic structure. Individual and author's values are connected with the main categories of attitude of the writer (death, boredom, melancholy, indifference, loneliness).

Keywords: art and speech system, art world, landscape, language picture of the world of the writer, lexeme, world picture

Category: 10.00.00 Philology

Article reference:
Tsvetosemantika of the writer's landscape // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2016/01/62620

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