Makuhin Petr Gennaduevich
Omsk State Technical University
Ph.D., associate Professor of «Philosophy and social communication»

This article critically examines the one position in modern interdisciplinary discussions about the anthropic principle, succinct expression of which are the arguments of A. Comte-Sponvilya that «strong» formulation of this principle is inherently teleological, and therefore theological content. Based on the understanding of the ideas as «classics» recorded by studying the concept of «anthropic cosmological principle» laws, and modern scholars of the latter, we substantiate the following. Firstly, the teleological interpretation of the «strong» version of the principle under consideration – is not the only and, moreover, no more convincing, than, for example, with an explanation of the mentioned laws with the position of the Multiverse (Metaverse). Second same, even the interpretation of the anthropic principle, under which a person is regarded as a «target» (note that this concept is demystified thanks to Darwinism, cybernetics and synergy) of the universe, can not have a relationship to the religious world (but in this case – to avoid theological allusions – it is more correct to speak not of teleology, and a teleonomy).

Keywords: anthropic cosmological principle (including «weak», man and the universe, philosophy of cosmology, the doctrine of expediency (teleology and teleonomy), theology

Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Article reference:
Whether «strong» anthropic cosmological principle – the principle of «anthropic-teleological» and (therefore?) «anthropic –theological»? // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2016/07/70272

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