Gulyaev Pavel Yurevich
Ugra State University
Dr. of technical sciences, head of the department of physical chemistry processes and materials

It is shown theoretically that the milling of complex metal oxides and has no basic restrictions on the whole ceramic materials up to the elementary crystalline cell size, if provided with the necessary energy mill and taken to passivate the surface free energy of Gibbs. Energy intensity of the planetary mill, ceteris paribus, will have a close degree of dependence on the size of the free volume of the reactor, and the exponent is in the range 2

Keywords: metal oxides, milling, nanopowder, surface free energy

Category: 01.00.00 Physics and mathematics

Article reference:
Energy limits grinding nanopowders of oxide bronzes // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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