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Rybakova Anastasiya Alekseevna1, Lyaskovskaya Elena Aleksandrovna2
1South Ural State University, Graduate student of chair «Economics, Management and Investment»
2South Ural State University, Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor of chair «Economics, Management and Investment»
1South Ural State University, Graduate student of chair «Economics, Management and Investment»
2South Ural State University, Doctor of Science, Economics, Professor of chair «Economics, Management and Investment»
The aim is to study the basic problems of employment of young professionals, particularly graduates of economic specialties in the Russian Federation, unemployment statistics by age, level of education, profession and place of residence and conclusions on these items. The authors attempt to provide methods for solving these problems. The article also describes the state program to support youth employment.
Category: 08.00.00 Economics
Article reference:
Problems employment of young specialists in Russia // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 5 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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