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Kupriyanchuk Elena Viktorovna1, Ulybina Irina Viktorovna2
1Saratov State University, Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Special Psychology
2Saratov State University, Master of the Department of Educational Psychology
1Saratov State University, Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Special Psychology
2Saratov State University, Master of the Department of Educational Psychology
The results of theoretical and empirical research related to issues of self-actualization of young people with autodistruktivnym behavior. It is noted that autodistruktivnoe behavior is a way of human interaction with other people and himself in which to apply any direct or indirect damage to their own physical or mental health, the integrity and the development of self. People with food addiction, particularly anorexia nervosa and bulimia, design and deliver this kind of behavior destructively. The results of empirical research carried out on a sample of young women with a dependent and without such behavior on the basis of the fitness club «Alex Fitness» NIU and SGU im.N.G.Chernyshevskogo (n = 40, among them 20 had no inclination to food addictions however, just as the second group is engaged in sports and adhere to certain diets; 20 girls who have a predisposition to autodistruktivnomu feeding behavior). Using the diagnostic tool: to identify anorexia nervosa and bulimia EAT-26; the self-test (V.V.Stolin, S.R.Panteleev); techniques to self-actualization. (SAT test, questionnaire Samoens). It was found that women who are prone to autodistrutivnomu feeding behavior, have distorted the sense orientation and inadequate perception of oneself as a person, as a result of this, they hindered the possibility of self-actualization. It is vital reference correction will help to achieve significant results in the prevention of food autodistruktsy in the early stages of their development. Applied aspect of the research problem can be implemented in practice the psychological counseling services.
Keywords: addictive behavior, autodistruktivnoe feeding behavior, bulimia, nervous anareksiya, self-actualization, self-attitude, sense of orientation
Category: 19.00.00 Psychology
Article reference:
Features of self-actualization of youth with autodestructive behavior // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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