Ageeva Nataliya Alekseevna
Rostov State Medical University,
Candidate of philosophical science, associate professor of History and Philosophy Department

The necessity to study history of development and formation of religion on all levels of the Russian educational system is dictated with the demands of the time. Renaissance of spirituality in Russia is possible by means of all-round socio-religious education of children and young people. There are preconditions for successful creation of the spiritual-ethical educational system for the Russians. Normative-legal base for it is ready. There is one thing left – to work out model basic educational programs to implement the subject “Principles of spiritual-ethical culture of people in Russia” on the levels of general, vocatioal and further education. It’s initiated and mediated by means of observing principles of continuity, voluntariness, anthropocentrism and culture congruity.

Keywords: bioethics, dialogue of cultures, educational programs, Family, national security, social education, spiritual crisis, world religions

Category: 09.00.00 Philosophy

Article reference:
Prospects of formation of spiritual-ethical educational system in Russia // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2016. № 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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