Smogunov Vladimir Vasilyevich1, Kuznetsov Nikita Sergeevich2, Vdovikina Olga Anatolevna3, Jurkov Nikolai Kondratievich4, Shorin Vladimir Alekseevich5
1Penza State University, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics
2Penza State University, student
3Penza State University, candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics
4Penza State University, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor the Chair of Designing and manufacture of radio
5Penza State University, candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor the Chair of Theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics

In the article first describes the new authors technology on defense electronics systems based on uglerodpolimernyh composites and effects of melting materials interconnect, general potting of electronics with the replacement of solder joints to weld. It is also considered the system simulation technology processes vibration, shock and electromagnetic attacks that affecting for electronics.

Keywords: defense, electronics, modeling, pulse attack, technology

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
The concept of protection of electronics against electromagnetic attacks "Russian matryoshka" // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 6. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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