Hataev Igor Eristauevich1, Marzoeva Teresa Hasanovna2
1Gorsky State Agrarian University, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of criminal law and procedure
2North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages

The legal documents of international law, the term «international nongovernmental organizations» is used in relation to organizations operating at the regional, municipal or international levels. Thus the word «non-government» is fundamental to the definition, which in itself is an alternative to the term «government» organization. This emphasizes the independence of these organizations from the state, as well as their relationship with concepts such as the broad masses, the power of the people.

Keywords: associations, civil society, non-governmental organizations, unions

Category: 12.00.00 Law

Article reference:
International non-governmental organization as a civil society actors // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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