Kinal Alyona Viktorovna1, Miku Natalya Valentinovna1
1Penza state university of architecture and construction

In article evangelical practice of attendants of an orthodox cult of the Penza region - contents of sermons, religious and secular plots, influence of external factors, etc. is considered; the activity of specific priests of the Penza region and local bishops directed on systematization of evangelical activity of local priests is analyzed; actions of the Penza authorized Council for ROC (religions) for control and a regulation of sermons of attendants of an orthodox cult, etc. It is emphasized, sermons of priests of an orthodox cult in the cities of area were characterized by bigger degree of intellectuality, a social orientation and relevance, in comparison with manuals of priests of rural settlements of the region that was defined, most likely, the general outlook and level of training of believers at whom sermons were aimed, and attendants of an orthodox cult who in the cities were slightly younger and possessed higher theological education, than in the village.

Keywords: Orthodoxy, Penza region, religion, sermon, USSR

Category: 07.00.00 History

Article reference:
Evangelical activity of orthodox clergy of the Penza region in 1940-1980 // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 1. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2015/01/46272

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