Micku Natalya Valentinovna1, Davydov Alexander Stanislavovich1
1Penza state university of architecture and construction

In article changes in practice and structure of the Penza diocese in the late eighties - the 1990th, caused by changes in political and social and economic living conditions of all faiths in the USSR, including Russian Orthodox Church / Post-Soviet Russia are analyzed. In 1990 the status of the legal entity was assigned to the confessional organizations of the Russian Federation. Since the end of the 1980th active transfer of temples and churches, subjects of an orthodox cult of ROC in regions begins. In June, 1990. The Saransk diocese was allocated in independent of structure of the Penza diocese. In 1991. The Penza diocese was divided into 7 decent districts. In 1991 in Penza there was a revival of a church brotherhood – orthodox Innokentyevsky society "Renaissance".

Keywords: diocese, Orthodoxy, Penza region, Russia, USSR

Category: 07.00.00 History

Article reference:
The Penza diocese at the end of the 1980-1990th // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 1. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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