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Savchenko Irina Alekseevna1, Andreev Alexey Nikolaevich2, Beletskaya Olga Olegovna3, Seregina Anastasia Sergeevna4
1Moscow city University of psychology and education, candidate of political Sciences, Professor of the theory and practice of management
2Moscow city University of psychology and education, master of the Department of theory and practice of management
3Moscow city University of psychology and education, master of the Department of theory and practice of management
4Moscow city University of psychology and education, master of the Department of theory and practice of management
1Moscow city University of psychology and education, candidate of political Sciences, Professor of the theory and practice of management
2Moscow city University of psychology and education, master of the Department of theory and practice of management
3Moscow city University of psychology and education, master of the Department of theory and practice of management
4Moscow city University of psychology and education, master of the Department of theory and practice of management
The relevance of this article due to the fact that the development of the modern University is impossible without the creation and maintenance of favorable relationships with various stakeholders: government agencies, public organizations, potential employers, etc. In the article the main problems of organization of public relations on the example of one of Moscow universities and the measures proposed for their solution.
Category: 22.00.00 Sociology
Article reference:
Analysis and improvement of the organization of public relations at the University // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 8. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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