Lazuko Alina Georgievna1, Konovalov Vladislav Sergeevich2, Vasilyev Nikola yGennadyevich3
1Penza State University, student
2Penza State University, student
3Penza State University, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of Economic cybernetics

The article reviews the description of Pi and it's visualization. The mathematical values are very complicated. As well as learning these quantities, it is also important to visualize them using especial models. The purpose of this research is consideration of Pi comparing with other mathematical values and visualization. Materials and methods. We use CSS (computer system which has the own possibilities) to interpret mathematical quantities. The visualization bases on the previous Pi presentation. Results. The article reviews the characteristics of Pi and other mathematical variable. We have educed that exist models don't demonstrate in full measure the responsiveness of quantities. Conclusions. The possibility of using demonstration model of CSS "Demomod" for visualization of numerical models is recognized. The visualization using "alive" system CSS allows to view models of number in details.

Keywords: mathematical quantity, Pi, visualization

Category: 01.00.00 Physics and mathematics

Article reference:
The visualization of PI on the models of KSS // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 6. P. 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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