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Zamchalin Mikhail Nikolaevich1, Korovkin Mark Olimpievich2, Eroshkina Nadezda Alexandrovna3
1Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Student
2Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
3Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer-researcher
1Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Student
2Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
3Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Engineer-researcher
The paper presents the results of comparative studies of the effectiveness of a new generation of superplasticizers in mineral slurry based on fine aggregate for self-compacting concrete and mortar mixes
Keywords: fine aggregate, self-compacting concrete, superplasticizer, water-reducing effect
Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences
Article reference:
Choice superplasticizers for self-compacting concrete // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 1. P. 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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