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Izosimova Irina Yurievna1, Rabtsevich Andrei Aleksandrovich2
1Bashkir State University, Student
2Bashkir State University, Assistant Professor of sociology and labor Economics entrepreneurship
1Bashkir State University, Student
2Bashkir State University, Assistant Professor of sociology and labor Economics entrepreneurship
Management there are more than 7 thousand years, it is social, as it began with the development of human relations.
Scientific knowledge in the field of human capital management began to emerge in the last third of the 19th century.
The main causes of these Sciences were: the industrial revolution and the spread of the market economy; the growth of the intensity of public safety; increasing the gap between employees and employers, it provoked the growth and intensity of conflicts in the society on social soil, the growing number of trade unions and labor movements; in these circumstances there is a need in the implementation of the enterprise such specialists and individual professional units, the function of which were the establishment of internal relations between management personnel and workers, as well as directly working with human resources of the company.
Keywords: and motivation, demand, methods of scientific work organization, personnel, personnel services, productivity, professionalism, skills, work organization
Category: 08.00.00 Economics
Article reference:
History of research in the field of development workers and staff // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 1. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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