Badanova Natalia Aleksandrovna
Kazan Federal University, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance
Institute of Management, Economics and Finance Undergraduate

Educational loan is the grace target credit, alternative and (or) addition to the public poli-cy of budgetary financing of education. In the credit market it is one of the youngest areas and the pace of its development while not comparable to those shown other types of loans: mortgage, consumer, car loans. But the need for educational loans is certainly there. This article deals with the factors, limiting the development of demand for educational loans.

Keywords: demand for educational services, Educational loans, family finance, higher education

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Factors, limiting the demand for education loans // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2015. № 1. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/en/issues/2015/01/42954

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Target educational loans in modern Russia, in our opinion, is episodic in nature and is available to a limited number of students, but it does not stop development, testing and implementation of new public education loan program. Their active use (scope issuing educational loans is still small) encounter with certain obstacles. One of the most significant may be called ossification of modern society.

This is due to the fact that the system of education in Russia for a long period of the time was formally free of charge. According to many researchers, including M. Monroe and H. Christie, it is a typical situation: a large part of modern society around the world hardly adapt to the new reality [1, p. 77].

The actual level of demand for Russian citizens can be estimated using data of the monitoring the economics of education, conducted by the National Research University cooperative with the Fund “Public Opinion”. In 2007, the educational loan took only 5.7% of the households, so the percentage of families who have used this product for the financing of higher education, is extremely small. Every year in Russia issued no more than 50 000 educational loans (there is only 1% of the total consumer credit market) [2].

At the same time, almost two-thirds of Russian families who have children from 13 to 20 years, willing to take the credit for higher education. According to the 2010 annual report expenditure of households on education amounted to about 22% of the average annual family income per person and, of course, from year to year, this figure will only increase [3].  40% of the respondents, despite the novelty of this institution in Russia, want to take educational loan provided to its greater availability. In these circumstances, it is necessary to determine limiting factors of demand for the program of educational loans.

The information base to summing-up the determinants of demand for educational loans is a poll National Research University conducted in December 2010 among 10,400 households, representative canvass of the Fund “Public Opinion”. Researches were designed to study the features of the demand for student loans, and reasons for not using the educational credit.

Analysis of the results showed that a significant impact on the borrowing and at the same time having the ability to hold potential demand can have [1, p.83]:

- socio-demographic characteristics of the borrowers families: professional field, the level of income. The results of empirical studies have shown a strong statistically significant correlation between the propensity to borrow and family revenue;

- specific perception of the higher education role. In this case, families with different income levels have various opinions on this issue. For example, households with low income are interested in the possibility of practical applications for higher education (it can be defined as finding work in the future with a high level of earnings);

- a high degree of information asymmetry between families and banks on the subject of the existing programs of educational loans.

- rejection of the life in debt and risks of the delay in payment. Lending associated with certain financial dependence that it becomes difficult for the family as a morally and materially. Compounding this situation the fact that graduates in modern conditions cannot find highly paid jobs to produce a return of the debt [3].

Consideration of the researches results, analysis of polls do not reflect the absolute efficiency of the educational loans for Russia, but rather its potential. In this case, it seems necessary to make emphasis on those limiting factors, which stop the transformation  the potential demand for educational loans to the real.

  1. Prakhov I.A. Educational Lending: Terms and demand for credit // Education.  2009. № 3. С. 76-93.
  2. The Federal State Statistics Service [electronic resource]: Statistics of the Russian education. URL: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/educat
  3. Materials tenth All-Russian Internet Conference “Supply and demand in the labor market and the market of educational services in the regions of Russia” [electronic resource]: Monitoring of employment of graduates. URL: http://labourmarket.ru/conf10/viewtopic.php?f = 4 & t = 97

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