Mazhenov Bakytzhan Turdakhynovich
Kazakh University of International Relations & World Languages, named after Ablai-khan
Master'e Degree student, Second year of study

Description to the formation of intercultural communicative competence is given. Communicative competence integral parts are observed. There is shown the scientists' definitions to intercultural communicative competence.

Keywords: culture, formation, intercultural communicative competence, subcompetences

Category: 13.00.00 Pedagogics

Article reference:
Concept and essence of intercultural communicative competence // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 3 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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Formation of intercultural communicative competence, readiness to real foreign language communication, is central purpose of the teaching of foreign languages ​​at the present stage. Competence is understood as ability to perform activities on creatively formed motivation, personal qualities, ability to use regulatory acceptable patterns of behavior in the professional field. Mastering competence creates a basis for the development of professionalism and skill. [1]

The term “communicative competence” was created by Dell Hymes (1972) [2, p.35] on the basis of specific concept of N. Chomsky “linguistic competence”, which is used by scientist to nominate a inner mental grammar of the individual, arguing that language is presented here in the form of an abstract sets of rules, which is most clearly reflected in the individual unconscious intuitive representations of language [3, p. 154]. The communicative competence D.Hayms defined as inner knowledge situational appropriateness of the language [4, P.268-293].Thus, communicative competence involves knowledge of relative and other languages, providing possession of ways of interaction and communication skills with people, the performance of different social roles in society, and the ability to use different communication objects to resolve specific situations.Communicative competence has completely clear structure, the main components of which are the various competencies characterizing her from different angles and giving total, fairly complete characterization of “foreign language communicative competence.”

In methodological literature the integral parts of communicative competence are defined differently. D. Hymes singled out the grammatical, sociolinguistic, strategic, discursive competence in the structure of communicative competence. However, the integral parts of communicative competence can be defined differently:

-Linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic competence [5, с.25]

-Linguistic, discursive, pragmatic, strategic, socio-cultural competence [6, с. 37]

-Linguistic, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, socio-cultural, discursive competence [7, с. 128]

-Linguistic, socio-cultural, educational and strategic competence [8, с. 32-38]

-Lingual, speech, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive competence [10, с. 30-33]

-Linguistic, pragmatic, cognitive, informative competence [11, с. 9-15]

-Linguistic, sociolinguistic, socio-cultural, strategic, discursive, social competence [12, с. 204]

-Linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, socio-cultural, social, psychological competence [13, с. 109].

Revealing the essence of the concept of “intercultural communicative competence”, O. Leontovich underlines that intercultural competence “is a conglomeration of three components: linguistic, communicative and cultural competence. We share the statement of A. Leontovich on qualitatively whole new education, “which has its own characteristics, different from each of the components taken separately” [14, p. 32-33].

According S.S.Kunanbaeva the intercultural communicative competence includes the following subcompetences: lingual cultural, social, social cultural, conceptual, personally centered, cognitive and communicative. At the present stage of development of foreign language teaching methodology there is a necessity and the need to strengthen the socio-cultural training component of intercultural communicative competence.And it is absolutely justified. Learning a foreign language, students are attached to a different culture, “the teaching of languages ​​- it is always intercultural communication” [15, p.155], G.V.Kolshansky noted that the inclusion in foreign language teaching of the regional geographic elements, cultural information, reality, etc. does not connected with the desire to make the learning process entertaining, but with an inner necessity of the training process [16, p, 13].

Intercultural communicative competence, as noted by N.D.Galskova covers mainly ontological aspect of personality formation, while communicative covers its speech and language abilities [17, p.7].Intercultural competence, according to G.V.Elizarova statement is not identical to communicative competence of a native speaker; it represents such ability that allows the language personality to go beyond their own culture and to acquire quality mediator cultures without losing their own cultural identity [18, p.6 -7].There exists the fair opinion that intercultural competence “permeates” all parts of communicative competence and comes their background [19, p, 105]. Thus, the term “intercultural communication”, combining the terms “intercultural competence” and “communicative competence” in a single unit, that means “communication between people from different cultures” [20, p, 33]. At the same time communication partners are aware of the fact that each of them is “different” and everyone perceives alternately “foreignness” of the partner [21, p, 5-15].

Intercultural aspect needs to be the content of communicative competence, the basic guideline for the formation of communicative linguistic competence. It should be remembered that «not all linguistic units, both lexical and grammatical level, have a cultural component values» [22, p, 87].Therefore when determining the content of training, the foreign language shouldn’t be limited to only a culturological orientation of speech subjects and communication situations.

Ability to communicate within dialogue of cultures demands from the student existence of many private, quite difficult formed, abilities:

1)                ability to put itself to the place of others;

2)                ability to show an initiative on establishment of cross-cultural contact;

3)                the ability to predict and identify the sociocultural spaces, leading to misunderstandings;

4)                the ability to take responsibility for removing of all kinds of cross-cultural misunderstandings;

5)                the ability to show diplomacy in order to maintain a dialogue of cultures in the spirit of world;

6)                the ability to act as a full-fledged representatives of the native culture;

7)                the ability to self-learning to function independently in a multicultural world, using socio-cultural strategy.

Such level of proficiency in a foreign language, likely, can be considered ideal. Certainly, it is necessary to aspire to an ideal constantly. But those who really fit to the process of student learning to foreign languages will surely see how this ideal level is far behind the capabilities of pupils.

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