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Korobkova Natalia Aleksandrovna1, Venediktova: Irina Andreevna2
1Penza State University Architecture and Construction, senior lecturer of the Department of marketing and economic theory
2Penza State University Architecture and Construction, student 2 course
1Penza State University Architecture and Construction, senior lecturer of the Department of marketing and economic theory
2Penza State University Architecture and Construction, student 2 course
In the article substantiates the importance of the services sector for economic development. It is noted that an effective form of development services is a "franchise". Franchising allows you to adapt a successful business process companies to services to different territorial markets. Franchising helps reduce the risks of doing business and allows to find investment opportunities. Small business under the franchise gets ready project that conforms to the conditions of territorial business environment. Franchising can be studied in the framework of the institutional approach, in which it is interpreted as the set of formal and informal relationships. Formal franchising relationships are governed by the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Informal relationships franchising require perfection of legislation, need to be improved.
Keywords: franchise relations, franchisee, franchising, franchisor, institute, services
Category: 08.00.00 Economics
Article reference:
Franchising as a development institution in the sphere of services // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 12. P. 2 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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