Sukharevsky Vladimir Vladimirovich
Lanframe Ltd.,Moscow
Ph. D., chief researcher

A reciprocating into rotary motion converter proposed by the author comprises a rotor and a pair of rods reciprocates in parallel to the axis of rotor. On the rotor and the rods are mounted magnets. One polarity poles of the rotor magnet or the magnet rod facing the rod are arranged along a closed line having a rotation axis direction of the rotor, at least one local maxima and one local minima. The opposing poles of said rotor magnet, the magnet pole rod, the size along the axis of the rotor does not exceed the distance from the local minima to the local maxima of said closed line along the rotor axis and has the opposite polarity. This closed line such that when the poles of the magnets of one rod reach the extreme point of its motion areas of local maxima lines of the poles of the magnets of the rotor, the poles of the magnets of the other rod reach the extreme point of its movement in the areas of local minima specified line. The output torque vector parallel to the rotor axis and so converter suitable for use in an internal combustion engine.

Keywords: internal combustion engine, magnet, reciprocating into a rotary motion converter

Category: 05.00.00 Technical sciences

Article reference:
The reciprocating into rotary motion converter and two-stroke engine based on it // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 10. P. 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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One comment to “The reciprocating into rotary motion converter and two-stroke engine based on it”

  1. 22.02.2016 at 12:55

    Владимир. модернизация и оптимизация ДВС идёт постоянно, с момента создания. Улучшение механических характеристик не может решить основную проблему повышения кпд и снижения сложности изготовления до уровня электродвигателя.
    Использование электротяги в автомобилях натыкается на известные препятствия.
    Развитие электроники и новых видов связи, с новым подходом к конструированию и использованию дорог, могут дать качественный рывок в сфере транспорта.
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