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Avdeenko Alexey Petrovich1, Chernenko Vladimir Vladimirovich2, Goryachev Vladimir Petrovich3, Goryacheva Svetlana Andreevna4
1Don state agrarian university, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of chair of agriculture and melioration
2Don state agrarian university, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of agriculture and melioration
3Don state agrarian university, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant to chair of agriculture and melioration
4Rostov gossortouchastok, agronomist
1Don state agrarian university, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of chair of agriculture and melioration
2Don state agrarian university, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of agriculture and melioration
3Don state agrarian university, candidate of agricultural sciences, assistant to chair of agriculture and melioration
4Rostov gossortouchastok, agronomist
Influence of biological fungicides - Planriz, Alirin-B, Geosty, development of plants and on productivity of winter wheat on the kolosovy predecessor is established. Processings by biofungicides in various phases of development of plants of winter wheat on different backgrounds of food promoted change of mass of plants of winter wheat, and also increase in productivity of winter wheat. High payback and economic efficiency of biofungicides is shown.
Keywords: biofungicide, productivity, winter wheat
Category: 06.00.00 Agriculture
Article reference:
Influence of biological fungicides on development and productivity of winter wheat // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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