Shlafman Alexander Izevich
St Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions
Professor, Department of Economics and management

The article is an attempt to systematize the concept of innovation and the ways of their implementation in the activities of enterprises on the basis of the implementation of business initiatives. The author considers the classical approach to the organization of entrepreneurial activity as the necessary and sufficient consistency in the development, implementation and development of innovation in enterprises.
Defines the continuity and regularity of development of organisational and technological innovation in the modern economy and determines the prospects of development of innovation activity on the short-term and long-term prospects.
Defining the theoretical bases and scientific and practical relevance of the Genesis of the concept of innovation activity the author offers his own judgment about the necessity to adjust the system of state regulation of innovative activities of a modern company.
Structuring of the market and state regulation allows to define the boundaries of innovation and ways of their implementation and use in active business activities.

Category: 08.00.00 Economics

Article reference:
Current directions of the development of entrepreneurial innovation // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2014. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL:

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