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Chuguy Anastasia Alexandrovna
Southern federal university
Southern federal university
The article presents the views of today's youth about love, but also shows the data by the method of "Scale of love and sympathy" Z.Rubina questionnaire (modification L.Gozman , Yu.Aleshina ) Based on the data , we can assume that men more prevalent emotional component in the relationship than women . Women compared with men more "rational" in a relationship that is more than required, responsible, empathic, honest. The older a person gets , the more he values the relationship with the partner, and the feelings go away " by the wayside".
Keywords: love, partner, relationship, Young people
Category: 19.00.00 Psychology
Article reference:
Young people representations about love // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2013. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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