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Komkova Anna Vasilevna1, Peshkina Nadezhda Alekseevna2
1Moscow State Open University named after Chernomyrdin, associate professor
2Moscow State Open University named after Chernomyrdin, 5 year student
1Moscow State Open University named after Chernomyrdin, associate professor
2Moscow State Open University named after Chernomyrdin, 5 year student
The successful development of low-rise building housing the economy class is necessary to develop and implement a mechanism ubiquitous free transfer of land for low-rise buildings, to ensure that - the task of the Fund "RHD", the RF subjects and municipalities. Then the municipal authorities will be able to provide housing and to provide land grants (including those for individual housing construction) citizens living and working in the region for over 5 years and the citizens who need better housing.
Growing demand for vacation homes, problems and solutions of low-rise building, the role of low-rise building in the modernization of the Russian economy, the perfection of low-rise buildings.
Category: 08.00.00 Economics
Article reference:
Future of Russian low-rise building // Modern scientific researches and innovations. 2012. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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