Фоменко Лариса Николаевна
Академия Маркетинга и Социально-Информационных Технологий
кандидат филологических наук


Fomenko Larisa Nikolayevna
Academy of Marketing and Social Informational Technology
candidate of philological science, associate professor of department of service technology and business communication

Parts of speech often change their meaning depending on the use of various pretexts. Decisive is almost always the value prepositions expressing important implications communicative nature. The German language is the development analytism, loss of inflection, i.e, strengthening communication and grammatical functions of prepositions.

Keywords: flexion, function of prepositions, parts of speech, prepositions, prepositions values


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Фоменко Л.Н. The functional use of English prepositions // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2016. № 2 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2016/02/63066 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024).

The logical assignment is a pretext to service parts of speech, not because of the alleged lack of these values, and in their official functions and syntax relations in the sentence [2, 7]. Preposition – it’s such an auxiliary part of speech that expresses the different “slave” relationship nouns to other words in phrases and sentences. As the official word, the preposition is opposed to all significant parts of speech on the basis of their function in the sentence – the spokesman of communication between members of offers. This function is decisive for the structure and semantics of prepositions. Categorical integrity of the class of prepositions as a separate object of study consists of a number of interdependent parties, the identification of which may be accomplished by examining each of them.

The role of the preposition is not confined to formal syntactic function indicate what word grammatically subordinate to the other. It plays an important role pretext reported separately phrase (and through him, and often the whole sentence) its value, which specifies and summarizes the relationship “significant” words among themselves, [1, 37].

Grammatical prepositions perform the functions as former case inflections of English nouns, since flexion lost their semantic functions. Prepositions pass ratio toiletries (rare possession), instrumentality, destination activities and others. In this function are the prepositions of, by, with, to, for and to a lesser extent, partly formalized through, in, at, about, on in which the semantics of grammatical meanings occupy a subordinate place. In its content and grammatical function of these excuses hold a very special place in the English language and approach to the inflections of case.

Grammatical English prepositions role is obviously very important, because a number of inflections able to express grammatical meanings. In English prepositional turnover is almost inevitable element of a huge number of proposals. A number of relationships here can be expressed only prepositional turnover (the note was written by my sister with a pen the note was written by my sister handle). In terms of lexical prepositions make up the category of words and phraseological ambiguity of productivity is one of the first places in the language. On the other hand, the words form numerous series of revolutions of various prepositional syntactic and lexical content of the destination [1, 39].

There are different points of view about what kind of values ​​should be recognized as a pretext categorical [7, 14]. More often than not in the works indicated value relationship or relativity [3, 104; 4, 705; 6, 86; 7, 19; 8, 79]. However, the ratio is peculiar to other categories of words like service (unions, particles) and significant (pronouns, some adjectives). Generalized value prepositions with original local and portable adverbial values ​​reduced to deictic, index. The preposition as part of verb-noun syntagma indicates which of the spatial, temporal, causal, modal and others. Values ​​it expresses [5, 6].

The former functions of case inflections of nouns in English since flexion lost their meaning-function, perform grammar prepositions. But before it, let’s consider the category of prepositions. Aksenenko believes that “many excuses have bright lexical semantics and that there are three categories of prepositions, quite different in their lexical and grammatical characteristics: a pretext and that can contain values ​​relating to nature in all three categories. I should add that we consider excuses approach – removal, so select only the data values ​​prepositions.

1. Lexical excuses – “free” (the relationship space, movement and time), as in: He stayed at Middlepool for two years. They rehearsed from ten till two, when he sent them home to learn their parts and rest before the evening’s performance [9, 18]. But when he came into the office he was staggered by his office [9, 19].

2. Lexical excuses – “fixed” (abstract relations than of case), as in: He had guessed why Michael wanted to see him, and had gone the night before to see him play [9, 19].  Jimmy Langton quickly came to the conclusion … he would never be more than a competent actor [9, 20].

3. Grammar prepositions (former case relations), as in: But when he came into the office he was staggered by his beauty [9, 19].

Free excuses though not perform an independent function of the sentence, but appear in the proposal as significant components of the sentence. They communicate with other words, language is always temporary, to this case.

Fixed prepositions differ from free to those that transmit “no concrete relations space, movement and time and abstract” [1, 43]. His excuse lexical meaning fixed points or clarify the content of these relations.

Very often, one verb partially changes its value depending on the use of three different fixed prepositions. Coupled with the free prepositions decisive significance is almost always a meaning of preposition, not a “significant” word; with fixed prepositions is not the case, since the semantics of the verb or noun dominates the semantics of a preposition, which values ​​the general and vague.

  1. Aksenenko B.N. English prepositions Moscow, 2006
  2. Astafjevs N.I. Prepositions in Russian. lang. and particularly their use Minsk Vysheysh. Rk., 2004
  3. Virgin V.A. brief sketch of comparative grammar arioevropeyskih languages Kazan, 2007
  4. Vinogradov V.V. Russian language (grammatical study of the word) Moscow, 2002
  5. Maltseva R.I. Prepositions in Old Church Slavonic and Old Russian: semantic and functional evolution Krasnodar, 1999
  6. Smirnitskiy A.I. English Grammar Moscow, 2009
  7. Cherkasova E.T. Going full-meaning words prepositions Moscow, 2007
  8. Szczerba L. On the parts of speech in the Russian language Moscow, 2007
  9. Maugham, S. The Man with the Scar and other stories English club M., 2003

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