Артамонов Борис Викторович
Школа английского языка «London open»

Современный студент должны быть готов осуществлять квалифицированную информационную и творческую иноязычную деятельность в различных сферах и ситуациях делового партнерства, совместной производственной и научной работы, т.е. использовать английский язык в профессиональной деятельности, для удовлетворения познавательных интересов, реализации личных контактов и дальнейшего самообразования и самосовершенствования. Внедрение компьютера и новых образовательных технологий дает возможность создать обширный справочный и иллюстративный материал в виде текста, графики, анимации, звуковых и видеоэлементов. Автор полагает, что оптимальный результат при обучении иностранному языку может быть достигнут при комплексном использовании электронных (мультимедийных) и традиционных учебно-методических комплексов.

Ключевые слова: интерактивный текст, обучение английскому языку, традиционный учебник, Электронный учебник


Artamonov Boris Viktorovich
English Language School «London open»

Modern students should be ready to carry out qualified information and creative foreign language activities in various areas and situations, business partnerships, joint production and research, i.e. to use English in their professional activities, to satisfy their cognitive interests, to implement personal contacts and further self-education and self-improvement. The introduction of computers and new educational technologies makes it possible to create extensive background and illustrative material in the form of text, graphics, animation, audio and video elements. The author believes that the optimum result in learning a foreign language can be achieved by an integrated electronic (multimedia) and traditional teaching methods.

Keywords: electronic textbook, English language teaching, interactive text, traditional textbook


Библиографическая ссылка на статью:
Артамонов Б.В. Some problems of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic universities // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2015. № 12 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://web.snauka.ru/issues/2015/12/61489 (дата обращения: 20.04.2024).

The development of wide international contacts nowadays has caused the need for a new language policies necessary for successful implementation of various innovations in the fields of production, science and technology, the creation of new technologies in contact with foreign colleagues at international seminars, conferences, symposia and congresses, when receiving foreign experts, the creation of joint enterprises, firms in the professional work of our professionals abroad. The effectiveness of such joint activities of domestic and foreign experts depends on professional training of students in non-linguistic universities, including their readiness for foreign language communication [1, 2, 3].

Therefore, students must be prepared to carry out qualified information and creative foreign language activities in various areas and situations, business partnerships, joint production and research etc. The specific of such training is to teach students to use English not only in professional (production and research) activities, but also to meet the cognitive interests, realization of personal contacts and further self-education and self-improvement. To do this, you must develop the appropriate learning tools, the basic of which is a textbook [4, 5].

One cannot deny the fact of the recent emergence of a variety of electronic textbooks and, in particular, for students of economic universities. There is no doubt that the introduction of computers and new educational technologies based on the electronic processing and transmission of information in the learning process, enables to create a rich background and illustrative material in the most diverse form of text, graphics, animation, audio and video elements, three-dimensional models. It is supported that interactive computer programs activate all human activities: mental, verbal, physical, perceptual, which speeds up the process of mastering the material [6, 7].

According to some authors, an electronic textbook allows to move to a qualitatively new level of information transfer, thus changing the traditional role and place of the teacher in the learning process. Being a very productive learning tool, an electronic textbook provides a high level of educational and cognitive activity of students, to enhance the quality of training, and provides great opportunities for a variety of pedagogical and didactic problems [8].

The advantages of e-books by A.A. Markina are mobility, accessibility through the development of computer networks, the adequacy of the level of development of modern scientific knowledge, constant updating of information material, nearly instant feedback, the ability to quickly find the information you need, saving time when we address to hypertext explanations, an opportunity to carry out interactive simulation, interactive self-test system. Particularly, the author notes the possibility of providing electronic textbooks with emotional comfort for students based on their personal rate of assimilation of educational material, the nature of perception, judgment, and lack of fear of making a mistake when performing tasks [9].

Foreign language communicative competence, which is focused on the process of learning a foreign language requires solid base. As shows the experience on the acquisition of the language competence of learners, especially in non-linguistic universities, about a third of the training time is spent. In this connection, the use of programs designed to optimize this process is justified [10].

Electronic textbooks largely activate the learning process. The advantages of using electronic textbooks can be attributed to [11, 12, 13]: increased motivation, active position of students, awareness and self-learning, self-control, variability, active thinking, interactive communication with a variety of educational resources (electronic libraries, dictionaries, encyclopedias), information richness, high visibility, flexibility of teaching methods (individualization of instruction , fast feedback), time savings during activities, development of computer literacy of students and instructors.

Despite the fact that electronic textbook and foreign language textbook in particular, is an innovative learning tool, it cannot replace a teacher and live communication at a foreign language lesson. In the history of national education, unfortunately too often, there was a tendency to drag innovations while neglecting traditions. Offering innovative learning tools, we should raise the question of the quality of innovations and the results of learning with their use [14, 15].

In our opinion, e-books have certain disadvantages. First of all, computer skills of some students are not good enough, the expenditure of time and material resources at the preparatory stage. In addition, and this is the main disadvantage – the inability to have an oral live foreign communication of students in class, the impossibility of teaching all types of speech activities, one-sidedness of some electronic textbooks and what much important – harm for eyesight, loss of time for preparation (installation, starting, and software change) [16].

But one cannot completely deny opportunities of multimedia technologies. Obviously, the best result in foreign language teaching can be achieved by the integrated use of electronic and traditional teaching methods. Electronic textbook can be used as an additional tool to the basic textbook or as a means of individual work [17, 18].

In our opinion, an effective integrated interactive textbook on paper and electronic media can be effective. If we talk about the economic profile of university students, it is necessary to build such a complex, taking into account interdisciplinary communications and language proficiency of students. To bring students to the level of English which allows them to continue their studies in European universities or after graduation to participate in the discussion of economic issues in international seminars and conferences, to conduct foreign language communication in the reception of foreign experts, the creation of joint ventures, as well as during professional activity abroad, an integrated textbook should be based on the principles of interactive approach [19].

Interactivity should be understood not only as the interaction of participants in professional communication with each other, but also how they interact with the object (content) of the communication, acting as an oral or written interactive text [20, 21, 22]. Processing activities (understanding, awareness, assignment, evaluation and so on) of interactive text is an indicative basis for other activities and becomes a structural component of other activities (productive activity allowing translating the meaning of the original text into any other form of its reproduction: monologue, dialogue, polylogue, audiovisualization) [23].

One of the prerequisites for the effectiveness of the integrated interactive textbook on paper and electronic media is purposeful selection, organization and development of authentic material structures incorporating multimedia technologies.

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